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- Yahoo! Optimization -
( Tips provided by zettas.com )

Summary: Most would agree Yahoo! is the most beneficial place to get your site listed. If you get a decent listing for your website in a Yahoo! directory you are most definitely see a considerable amount of traffic come from the listing. The focus of Yahoo! is its directory which is edited by humans, not a bot. The backup database of Yahoo! is powered by Google so if your site is in Google you'll eventually get into the Yahoo! website matches.

How to get listed: To get listed in the Yahoo! directory go to Yahoo! and find a category that best suites your site and then submit your site to that category. If you want to get listed the easier way, which will get you in the backup database but not the directories read more on Google.

How to get a good listing: The better question is "How do I even get listed". If you get listed in the Yahoo! directory be grateful. It is really hard to get in a Yahoo! directory and can take months. If your website is business related, meaning it makes any profit through product sales or advertisements Yahoo! now makes you use their fee based suggestion service. So, if you want your business site even considered for inclusion you'll have to shell out $199. Non-profit sites can still use their free suggest a site service. To help your odds of getting listed make sure you pick the category that best represents your website, don't get greedy. Then when filling out the information about your website make sure you follow the instructions exactly and don't mispell anything (make it as easy as possible for the editors). In your website be sure to include a Disclaimer page and a Privacy Policy. To get a better idea how to make a page like this take a look at pages already listed on Yahoo! as an example.

Frequency of updates: Since the sites listed are hand picked the frequency of directory updates are sporadic. The updating of the backup database powered by Google usually updates a few days before the Google database updates itself, which is usually the last week of every month.

Name of bot: Yahoo! does not have a bot, it is a human edited directory.

Read more at: Zettas.com

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