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- Lycos Optimization -
( Tips provided by zettas.com )

Summary: Lycos is part of the Terra-Lycos network. These days, Lycos obtains its search results from Yahoo!, which in turn is powered by Microsoft's Bing search engine. As such, thye steps below are now out-of-date. Instead, to be listed, sign up for Bing Webmaster Tools (this is free), connect your website and use the URL Inspection and Sitemap submission tools to notify Bing of new content. If you rank well for given terms on Bing, those results will also flow through to Yahoo and Lycos, magnifying your efforts.

How to get listed: To get listed there are three different ways to get in
- Go to Lycos' Submit Web Site form. [link expired]
- Get into DirectHit (read more)
- Get listed in AllTheWeb (Fast). Go here to submit your site to AllTheWeb.
- Bid on a term at GoTo

How to get a good listing: The first thing you should do is try and get listed in all of the above search engines. Then after you have done that there is a search engine optimization technique called SEO themes. This is where you make a group of optimized webpages that are all optimized for the same subject and all of these webpages are interlinked. AllTheWeb seems to like these themed pages so after you have made a group of themed pages be sure to submit every individual page to AllTheWeb.

Frequency of updates: Lycos updates differ with each engine it uses to serve search results. Lycos seems to update its AllTheWeb results pretty quickly once Fast itself updates which is every four to five weeks. Where the Dmoz results can take months.

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