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- DirectHit Optimization -
( Tips provided by zettas.com )

Summary: This search engine, owned by Ask Jeeves Inc., was the first of its kind. The way DirectHit serves its results is very unique. The amount of traffic a site gets from other search engines (Lycos, HotBot, and AskJeeves) directly affects a website's listing in DirectHit. For a while DirectHit was the only search engine using this technology but now other search engines are beginning to follow trend, Yahoo! is one of them. DirectHit serves search results for many search engines including: Lycos, HotBot, MSN Search, Looksmart, and more.

How to get listed: Here are three different ways to get into DirectHit:
-Use DirectHit's Submit Your Site form.
-If you can get into MSN you will eventually get into DirectHit and the best way to get into MSN is to go through one of LookSmart's different listing options.
-Get a good listing in AllTheWeb which serves results for Lycos. If you can get a high listing in AllTheWeb you will get into Lycos which will get you into DirectHit. Submit your site to AllTheWeb here.

How to get a good listing: The way you get a good listing in DirectHit is by getting a good listing in Lycos, HotBot, and AskJeeves. The more a site's link on these engines is clicked the better your listing in DirectHit will become. So make sure your website is listed in all of these engines to get a good listing in DirectHit. This way of listing search results creates a problem though, "How can a site listed low in a search engine ever get to the top since the sites listed at the top will always get clicked on more". Well, supposedly, DirectHit gives new sites a ranking boost giving them more of a chance to get a higher listing.

Another factor in the DirectHit listing is how long a visitor stays at your site. The longer a person stays at your site the better your listing will become.

Frequency of updates: Updates for DirectHit are few and far between. Don't be surprised if you are trying to get your site listed and it takes a couple months, or more to get in the index.

Name of bot: Grabber

Read more at: Zettas.com

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