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- AOL Search Optimization -
( Tips provided by zettas.com )

Summary: This search engine that takes most of its results from the Open Directory Project (ODP) which AOL owns. AOL Search also uses the GoTo and Inktomi databases but they don't influence the search results as heavily as the ODP does.

How to get listed: Since the ODP influences AOL Search the most getting a good listing in the ODP is key to success in this search engine. The best way to get listed in the ODP is to go to Dmoz.org

and then find a category within the directory that best fits the content of your site. The ODP is a directory similar to Yahoo! and consists of links that have been reviewed and indexed by real people only, as opposed to meta search engines.

How to get a good listing: Remember when submitting to the ODP that an actual person is going to be reviewing your site and submission. With this in mind make sure you don't tick off that person. Do not spam the directory, make sure your site description is relevant to the main theme of your site, and make sure you spell everything correctly. Another way to help ensure your inclusion in the database is to look at other sites in the category you would like to be in. When doing this take notice of the type of sites the category editor usually includes in their directory and then attempt to mimic that style in your own webpage. If a long period of time passes and your site does not get listed try emailing the directory editor and ask him very kindly why your site has not been listed and maybe ask them something like, "how can I improve my site so you will list it?". That will show them you are genuinely interested in getting listed and will probably prompt them to consider or reconsider listing your site. A final tip to get listed in the ODP is to become an editor yourself. If you can't get an editor to list you then try to become an editor yourself so you can add your website on your own.

To get a listing at the very top under the "Sponsored Links" section you must have one of the top three listings for the respective search term in the GoTo database.

Frequency of updates: Once you are listed in the ODP you can expect to be listed in AOL Search 2-4 weeks after.

Name of bot: AOL Search does not have a bot

Read more at: Zettas.com

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