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Sponsor Net-Ads

Are you looking for quality, targeted ad placement on a medium-trafficked site? Do you want to increase your brand recognition and generate more traffic, for less? Why not sponsor Net-Ads?

The resource that you presently know (and love) as Net-Ads has existed in one form or another since late 1996, when it was known as Make Money From Your Web Page. As it developed into a broader guide to web development and online marketing, it soon became evident that a more generic title was required, and thus Net-Ads.com was launched early May, 1998. The site has seen exponential growth since then, generating approximately 100,000 monthly pageviews at present. Due to the content of the site, it can be said that the greatest majority of those visitors are employed in the Webpage development/Web advertising industries.

Currently, we are offering two distinct payment schemes. Both are impression-based, and both have their own advantages and disadvantages. They are:

  • 1. RUN-OF-SITE (468x60 above-the-fold) - Your banner advertisement will be rotated throughout those pages on our site that are not occupied by Monthly Sponsorship ads. This means that a wider variety of visitors will see your ad, though you can still be assured that they will be interested in Web development/sponsorship issues. This program is offered at the discounted rate of $5CPM (that's just ½ cent/impression), with a minimum purchase of 10,000 impressions ($US50).
  • 2. RUN-OF-SITE (120x60, 120x90 or 125x125) - Upon request, we will rotate your button and cube-sized ads throughout the site, with the graphic appearing above the menu in the left-hand border area. This spot is available at $3CPM, with a minimum buy of 20,000 impressions ($US60).
  • 3. MONTHLY SPONSORSHIP - You choose which page(s) you would like to sponsor, and pay a fixed monthly rate. Your banner will not be rotated with others, and you will be seen to be the only sponsor of that page. At present, the monthly sponsorship program promises great returns for your dollar since the site is still in its seminal stage of development, and is rapidly growing in popularity. Monthly Sponsorship rates for the various pages differ according to the amount of traffic each page generates (see prices below), but are sold at an average of $10CPM (1 cent/targeted impression). Discounts will be available to those who choose to sponsor more than one page, and to those who agree to sponsor a page for more than one month.

Monthly Sponsorship
Individual Page Rates: (listed in order of popularity)

Net-Ads Main Home Page 15000 $150
Articles Indices - main + front of each section (4 pages total) 10000 $100
Sponsorship Index 5000 $50
Promotion Index 3000 $30
Development Index 5000 $50
Webmaster Tools Index 2000 $20

Interested advertisers should be aware that we require payment to be provided in advance of the campaign's launch date. Payments may be made in US dollars by check, international money order or by credit card via PayPal.

If you are interested in sponsoring Net-Ads, simply with your request and we'll get back to you with further details regarding payment methods and the period of your sponsorship. Thanks!

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