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Click-Thru Advertisers

(Agencies paying web publishers on a CPC basis)

InfoLinks has rapidly risen through the ranks as a viable competitor to the popular Google AdSense program. The service offers a range of advertising creative types that are suitable for websites viewed on both mobile and desktop devices. Their integrations options include smart text link rollovers (InText), ads that float above content at the bottom of a browser window, and more traditional display creatives. They pay based on a combination of CPC (cost per click) and CPM (cost per impression) pricing models, much like Google. As an alternative to AdSense, or if you'd like to trial something new to see how it compares, and to explore innovative offerings such as the InText concept, give InfoLinks a try.

Verizon Media (formerly Advertising.com AdNetwork and Teknosurf Adwave) - Under its former names, this company was one of the pioneers in online advertising, and became a leader in the CPC advertising space, until the arrival of Google's AdSense network disrupted the nascent display advertising market. The network's technology and advertising roster has changed hands a few times over the years and is now part of Vertizon Media. The offering from Verizon seems to be focused less on small, independent web publishers (who were a mainstay of Advertising.com's early years). Instead, the network appears to represent large media properties, such as AOL, Yahoo, EnGadget, HuffPost and TechCrunch. They do still have a monetization solution that is open to applications from indie publishers, though I haven't received much feedback about the network as yet.

Google AdSense has, to no small degree, revolutionised the independent web publishing business. Launching their publisher network in 2003, Google distributes creatives from its AdWords advertisers to websites of all shapes and sizes. This network works somewhat like a banner-based search results syndication program. Investing in Google's content analysis technology, AdSense possesses the ability to target advertising content by contextual relevance, or by the demographics and behavioral cues particular to a given website visitor. Read more about Google AdSense...

MatchCraft no longer offers signups to publishers directly. They do still operate in the cost-per-click display advertising market, but utilise Google's Display Network (see Google AdSense above) as the delivery platform for their advertising. As such, although publishers no longer work with MatchCraft directly, you may benefit from their inventory if you host Google display ads on your site.

Conversant Exchange (formerly ValueClick Media and FastClick) remains one of the strongest digital ad networks in terms of reach and breadth of advertisers. The service allows publishers to enter an exchange-style network to have advertisers competitively bid for placement on their sites. They offer a range of integration options to suit a variety of dynamic website structures.


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