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@Submit! provides a service that invites publishers of US-based websites to submit their details to 21 engines/directories within minutes.

AnsURL offers a valuable service to all webmasters, but particularly to those whose sites reside in Latvia or Russia. Use AnsURL to submit your site's details to 22 International, Latvian and Russian search engines.

BusinessWeb 's Add-It Free service will submit your URL to 22 of the Web's most popular search engines with the click of a button, and for free.

Free URL Submissions gives publishers access to a free tool designed to submit one's URL to some 140 free-4-all link lists in real-time.

Net-Ads Submission Station is our own automatic submission service. Submit multiple URLs to 24 of the Web's most popular search engines by filling out one single form. The submission process takes place in real-time, allowing you to monitor the progress of your site's promotion for peace-of-mind. This is Javascript-driven, so you must be using a Javascript-enabled browser in order for the service to operate effectively.

Promote4Free enables you to submit your site to your choice of 17 search engines (which includes the ten biggest engines, plus some popular regional directories) at once. They also offer a Full Submit commercial service that promises to send your URL to 750 sites for $11.

The Promoter offers you the opportunity to submit multiple URLs to approximately 450 destinations, while offering you the option of selecting which type of submission you would like (ie Search engines only, link pages only, or both). Users of their service must, though, place The Promoter's banner at the top of each page that is to be promoted.

SelfPromotion has established one of the best promotional systems on the Web. Instead of charging a fortune to send your details to hundreds of quasi-engines (such as Free-4-All directories), they take aim at only the very best portal sites and charge you nothing (although an optional donation is appreciated - and provides you with a range of additional benfits). Currently, SelfPromotion's range extends over 100 heavily-trafficked indexes and 190 award sites.


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