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Website Awards


Winning a notable Web site award is a great way to both increase traffic to your site (through various Winner's Lists, website postings and newsletter mailings), and to encourage visitors to return to your site. You see, placement of an award on your site infers that your site represents the pinnacle of what the Web can provide in thatb particular area. It generates brand awareness for your site, letting others know that you are better than your competition. It also encourages healthy competition, which is what keeps the Web evolving as the most dynamic and exciting communications medium ever devised.

Below, you will find links to hundreds of sites offering awards to webmasters whose sites display certain positive attributes. The "Best Of The Best Of..." section lists the 30 most popular award sites on the Web. While these awards are remarkably competitive, the large amount of traffic and prestige that they will bring to your site makes repeated application worthwhile. The other sections lists hundreds of specific awards. Some are better known and more respected than others, but all are worth trying for.



Best Of The Best Website Awards

Having your site recognised by one of the 30 major award sites in this category will almost certainly drive a large amount of traffic to your site. Displaying a recognised award on your site conveys the sense that your site is superior to its competitors, which can often lead to visitors making return trips, or bookmarking your site. While all webmasters aspire to be awarded some of the sites in this list, many of them are limited to the absolute elite, often big-budget, large scale sites. Still, it's worth your while to try your luck and if at first you don't succeed, try and try again...or visit the larger list of award sites below for a better chance.

Net-Ads Web Champion Award

Webby Awards - The biggest and most significant website award, this includes a rigorous application process, with the annual award ceremony a major event in the industry.


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