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Free Fonts and Typefaces

#1 Archive distribute a range of more than 300 fonts, and present graphical previews of each at their site. They also provide a range of tips and tools that allow you to customise their fonts, or to create your own from scratch!

ALL-4-FREE fonts presents a quality range of freeware fonts and dingbats for both Macs and PCs. More than 500 fonts are currently featured within the archive.

Fantasy Fonts possesses a range of uniquely ancient fonts that recall the styles of a medieval age. They're perfect for use on websites related to roleplaying games, fantasy movies or historical themes.

DaFont offers access to an unbelievable range of more than 90,000 fonts (how can you even browse that many?!). Most of the fonts within this collection are either freeware or shareware, and they are sortable by keyword or theme/category. Be sure to check the "readme" file associated with each font to verify that you're allowed to use it for commercial purposes, before doing so.

XMAS Fonts feature a range of festive type styles for use in your Christmas cards, decorations and holiday websites.

What the Font? is a hugely helpful free tool provided by the team at MyFonts. This allows you to detect what font is used in a given image by uploading a copy or pasting in the URL of the image in question, which is perfect if you've been asked to assist with a branding or advertising task and have access to old logos and marketing images, but not the original source files.


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