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Tech-Related Articles

(November 2002)

IBM, Chartered Forge Foundry Partnership (internet.com, November 27th)
The two companies agree to pool resources and develop nanotechnology for chip production on 300-millimeter silicon wafers.

HP, Microsoft Ally on New Enterprise Device (NewsFactor, November 26th)
Providing a glimpse into the future of business communications, Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft have partnered to deliver a device that improves real-time communication via video and voice streaming on a PC.

ISP Download Caps to Slow Swapping? (CNET News.com, November 26th)
High-speed Internet service providers are considering adopting new pricing plans that if widely adopted could take a bite out of file swapping.

Risk of Internet Collapse Rising (BBC News, November 26th)
Simulated attacks on key internet hubs have shown how vulnerable the worldwide network is to disruption by disaster or terrorist action. If an attack or disaster destroyed the major nodes of the internet, the network itself could begin to unravel, warn the scientists who carried out the simulations.

TeraGrid Supercomputing Project Expands (ZDNet News, November 25th)
A project to build and interconnect mammoth supercomputers has landed a $35 million National Science Foundation grant that will take the "grid" beyond its original Itanium 2 designs.

New Multi-Function Gadgets May Spark Deregulation (USA Today, November 25th)
It almost sounds too Star Trek to be possible: A multipurpose cell phone that also serves as an FM radio, walkie-talkie, garage door opener and TV remote control.

IBM Rolls Out Grid Future (InfoWorld.com, November 25th)
While it will remain more vision than reality for years, grid computing is a foundation of IBM's long-term strategy to help enterprises manage far-flung, distributed IT resources in a virtual but cohesive manner.

Lawyers Fear Misuse of Cyber Murder Law (The Register, November 25th)
A genuine cyber murder may never happen outside the pages of tabloid newspapers and Tom Clancy novels, but defense attorneys say that won't keep federal prosecutors from getting some mileage out of a provision in the newly-passed Homeland Security bill that dictates a maximum sentence of life imprisonment without parole for computer hackers with homicide in their hearts.

Where the Heck Is All This Spam Coming From? (The Register, November 25th)
The growth of the spam problem in 2002 has been exponential, writes Kevin Murphy. Companies that sell spam filtering software say currently the percentage of email that is spam could be 20%, 33%, or even up to 50%, compared to less than 10% a year ago.

Nokia Takes It To The EDGE (Forbes.com, November 25th)
If it weren't already confusing enough, there's another wireless technology coming to mobile phones, adding to the alphabet soup of data services that is intended to make phones more than phones. Will our pocket devices some day be able to fulfill virtually all of our communication and digital entertainment needs?

Vodafone Inks Deal With Mobile PC Makers (internet.com, November 25th)
Europe's largest mobile phone company, Vodafone Monday scored a coup that aims to put its services in the majority of computer hardware makers' mobile devices.

DARPA Looks to Quantum Future (internet.com, November 22nd)
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is asking five government vendors to develop studies on the architecture of the high-performance computers of 2010. Today's most powerful computers have their design roots in the late 1980's and DARPA is seeking new ideas to meet the future super computing needs of the defense and intelligence communities.

Net Activism Offers Lessons for Ministers (BBC News, November 22nd)
The increasing use of the internet by political activists could provide valuable lessons for the UK Government, say experts. At a summit of ministers, business leaders and net experts in London this week, officials acknowledged that the government needed to do more to get citizens engaged in the political process online.

Washington's Eye On the Internet (CNET, November 22nd)
A Defense Department agency mulls and then abandons a plan to curtail Net anonymity, but with the Homeland Security bill and the ruling of a secret court, the feds gain ground on online monitoring.

Congress Adjourns, Digital Copyright Fight Remains (internet.com, November 22nd)
Despite a lot of sound and fury, not to mention a raft of competing and conflicting legislation, the 107th Congress ultimately passed no laws to resolve the long-running and bitter digital copyright feud between the entertainment industry and peer-to-peer file swapping services.

RIM to Appeal $23M Patent Suit Loss (internet.com, November 22nd)
Just weeks after scoring valuable licensing deals with the likes of Nokia, Palm and Handspring, Canada-based Research in Motion was body-slammed with a $23 million judgment for infringing patents owned by NTP. Reeling from the ruling, RIM said it would appeal with Chief Executive Mike Lazaridis insisting the verdict has no effect on RIM's patents and other intellectual property.

Punters 'Don't Need' Wireless Data Services (The Register, November 22nd)
Despite the best efforts of the wireless operators across the globe, interest in the value add next generation data services remains worryingly low.

Microsoft Wants Your Cellphone (Salon.com, November 21st)
The software king has big plans for making the world of mobile phones safe for Windows. Can phone makers, and a little Norwegian company called Opera, stop the onslaught?

Yellowspotting Asia (australia.internet.com, November 21st)
Tech entrepreneur Eg Kah Yee's expounds a vision of uniting Asia and Australia in a wireless web to keep businesspeople connected as they travel from Sydney to Singapore and beyond.

Go, Go Gadgets (ABC News, November 21st)
From tablet computers that were unthinkable a few years ago to a wristwatch that would make Dick Tracy envious, hundreds of new gadgets were on display at this year's Comdex high-tech show.

The Therminator: Coming Soon to a Federal Agency Near You (internet.com, November 21st)
Just two days after the General Accounting Office (GAO) issued a scathing report on the security of the federal government's computer systems, the Department of Defense (DoD) and the National Security Agency will announce Thursday a partnership with Lancope to develop a device, code-named the Therminator, for advanced information security.

E-hoard with Microsoft's Life Database (vnunet.com, November 21st)
Hoarders everywhere will be heartened to hear that Microsoft is developing a database that will give them an electronic outlet to their obsession, storing their whole life on a hard disk.

Sony Likes Ringtones, Buys Run Tones (internet.com, November 21st)
Sony Music Entertainment is expanding its mobile digital media platform with its acquisition of wireless entertainment company Run Tones.

Light at End of Encryption Tunnel (Wired News, November 21st)
Quantum encryption is about to make life much more difficult for Internet spies.

The Digital Imaging Big Picture (internet.com, November 21st)
While 3G technology and its applications — specifically wireless imaging — may be in its infancy in the United States, it's already a way of life in Japan. InfoTrends Research Group has found that Japan accounts for almost all (98 percent) of the wireless imaging market that is forecast to grow from 6.6 million in 2002 to over 160 million by 2007, representing a compound annual growth rate of 93 percent.

Free Web Research Link Closed Under Pressure From Pay Sites (TechNews.com, November 21st)
The Energy Department has shut down a popular Internet site that catalogued government and academic science research, in response to corporate complaints that it competed with similar commercial services.

Logitech io Personal Digital Pen Review (HardwareCentral, November 21st)
Check out this eye-catching gadget: a ballpoint pen that works like a cross between a scanner and an optical mouse.

A Palm for Your Wrist? (CNN Money, November 20th)
During the first half of 2002, watchmaker Fossil will begin shipping watches that are also personal digital assistants running on the Palm operating system. CNET reviews the top-line Fossil Wrist PDA here.

IDC Sees Tablet PCs Moving Slowly in Asia (SiliconValley.com, November 20th)
Tablet PCs will be slow to take off in the Asia because of users reluctant to change and customers loath to pay for what is seen as a high-end product, IDC Market Research said on Wednesday.

IBM Shifting $1 Billion to Services R&D (internet.com, November 20th)
Big Blue plans to create a new R&D division to focus exclusively on on-demand computing systems, as part of its shift to offer customers these services.

Users Call for Cheaper Broadband (The Register, November 20th)
The broadband industry is warned that it could lose hard-fought-for customers, unless it cuts price and improves performance.

U.S. Broadband Growth Steady (CyberAtlas, November 20th)
According to a Dataquest survey, 28 percent of U.S. online households connect to the Internet via broadband connections.

Cyberinfrastructure Will Fuel Scientific Discovery, NSF Chief Says (GridComputerPlanet, November 19th)
Cyberinfrastructure will fuel 21st century scientific discovery, and Grid and supercomputing will play a central role in that future, National Science Foundation Director Rita Colwell said in a keynote address to the Supercomputing 2002 conference in Baltimore today.

Where Is MP4? (NewsFactor, November 19th)
Although MP4 does not get the kind of press that prior standards have received, it is alive and well. Apple's QuickTime supports it, and several other products also use the standard.

Nokia Touts Fast Downloads at Comdex (internet.com, November 19th)
Nokia is previewing a new phone, the Nokia 6200 EDGE, that doubles download speeds and integrates features once found only in PCs and personal digital assistants.

Teachers Take Palm to School (eMarketer, November 19th)
Students' learning improved when teachers employed handheld devices in classroom learning activities, according to a Palm-sponsored study from SRI.

Under Siege From Gangs, Banks Fight Back With Electronic Fingerprints (CIO Information Network, November 19th)
Taking advantage of lengthy delays in background checks, organized criminal gangs are placing their members inside banks. Learn how banks are using the latest biometric technologies to fight back.

Unwiring Big Apple Schools (802.11 Planet, November 19th)
New York City is going its own way with Wi-Fi networking, putting access points in every classroom.

Homeland Security Bill Has Internet Provisions (USA Today, November 19th)
Internet providers such as America Online could give the government more information about subscribers and police would gain new Internet wiretap powers under legislation creating the new Department of Homeland Security.

Cranking It Up In the Music Space (internet.com, November 19th)
Both online and in real-world stores, the internet is changing the music business and the way we listen to tunes - and buy them.

Planning for the Day When Silicon Rules No More (NanotechPlanet, November 19th)
The future of microelectronics remains with silicon for at least a decade, according to Dr. Thomas Theis, director of physical science for IBM's Research Division, but Big Blue is developing a plan for how to proceed when silicon and lithography hit their limits.

Experts Mull 'Next Big Thing' In Computing (CRN, November 19th)
A Comdex panel on "The Next Big Thing" in IT didn't yield any definite answers, but industry executives did offer attendees some strong ideas about the direction of ubiquitous computing over the next several years.

IBM Inks $290M Supercomputer Contract (internet.com, November 19th)
The Department of Energy tabs IBM over the likes of Sun, HP and Cray to build two powerful supercomputers for research and nuclear weapons simulation.

Amazon Takes First Segway HT Orders (internet.com, November 18th)
If you're fascinated by new technology, find walking an outdated mode of transportation, and can spare $4,950, today is your day. The much ballyhooed Segway Human Transport (aka Ginger or IT) self-balancing scooter went on sale this morning on a first-come, first-serve basis through e-commerce giant Amazon.com. Buy it here!

Practicality, Not Pizazz is Focus at Comdex (BayArea.com, November 18th)
The Comdex trade show kicks off in Las Vegas today with a focus on practical innovation at a time when both consumers and businesses may have no money to spend. But hope springs eternal, even in the deep freeze of the tech slump.

Gates Talks Iinnovation Amid Tech's Hard Reality (The Seattle Times, November 18th)
Acknowledging it has been a tumultuous year, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates said people are underestimating the potential of technology and ignoring that companies are seeing huge returns on their innovations. Gates gave the keynote speech at Comdex, the computer industry's biggest trade show.

Gates Unveils ‘Smart Gadget’ Strategy (MSNBC, November 18th)
Innovation continues despite the high-tech industry's downturn, Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates said Sunday as he unveiled a strategy to push 'smart' computing technology into everyday gadgets such as alarm clocks and pens.

Microsoft: Show and Tell at Comdex (internet.com, November 18th)
The software titan uses the Comdex trade show to unveil a new Windows XP Media Center PC manufacturers and issue a slew of product announcements, including target dates for the release of the final beta of Visual Studio .NET 2003 (code-named 'Everett') and Windows .NET Server 2003.

Tighter Rules on Workplace Snooping (BBC News, November 18th)
Workers look set to regain some of their right to privacy at work as rules governing the monitoring of e-mail messages and web use are tightened up.

Bond Gadgets: Fact, Fiction, Fun (MSNBC, November 18th)
If you're the type who can't help un-suspending your disbelief, then you can't help wondering just how realistic Bond gadgets are. CIA-types and geeks love to bicker over that one. But the question is really irrelevant, according to Bond techno-watchers. What’s important is that 007's gadgets have worked at all, helping shape a generation of Baby Boomers who — far from fearing technology, like their parents — embraced gadgetry as a potential electronic panacea for the world's ills.

Colleges Apply Tech Creatively (FCW.com, November 18th)
More and more, universities are playing a larger role in revitalizing distressed neighborhoods through innovative technology programs, according to a new report by a nonprofit community development group.

Xbox Live Comes Online (australia.internet.com, November 18th)
Microsoft swept in a new world of online console gaming Friday, unveiling its "Xbox Live" broadband game service for its Xbox game console.

See You and Raise: Nvidia Unveils GeForce FX for February Sales (HardwareCentral, November 18th)
The GeForce FX won't join ATI's Radeon 9700 Pro on retail shelves until early next year, but promises to usher in new technologies ranging from 1GHz DDR-II memory to scenes and game characters that go beyond Shrek- to near-photo-quality.

Nvidia Releases Long-Awaited Graphics Processor (Reuters, November 18th)
Chip designer Nvidia Corp. on Monday unveiled its long-awaited, next-generation graphics chip, which it said was the first capable of delivering real-time, movie-quality images for DVDs and video games played on desktop computers. Nvidia, appearing at the annual Comdex technology trade show in Las Vegas, said the GeForce FX, formerly known by the code name NV30, would be available in stores next February.

HP Trumps Dell's PDA Entry (internet.com, November 18th)
Dell officially announced its entry into the handheld PDA market, lifting the wraps off a pair of Axim X5 devices running on Microsoft's Pocket PC 2002 software. Dell's PDA plans, leaked in the press in recent weeks, puts the PC maker right in the Pocket PC thick of things, forcing market leader Hewlett Packard to release two new iPAQ models -- one matching Dell's $299 price point.

Cell Phone Maker Calls on USB (PC World, November 15th)
USB-on-the-Go technology will allow peer-to-peer and direct connections between phones and other devices--without a PC.

Systems Vendors Gird for Supercomputing Battle (internet.com, November 15th)
Angling for more placement on the coveted Top 500 list, IBM and other vendors are busy preparing for battle with new supercomputers.

IBM Dips Toe Back Into the Handheld Waters (InfoWorld, November 15th)
Shunning the two largest handheld platforms, Palm and Pocket PC, IBM will announce Friday it has inked a deal with Sharp to create a new version of Sharp's Linux-based Zaurus handheld to be named the Enterprise Edition Zaurus.

Consumers to Define Mobile Content Market (eMarketer, November 14th)
Now that North American wireless operators have the technology to deliver voice, data and video to mobile phones, they would do well to follow NTT DoCoMo's strategy for content delivery.

Sony Powers up Amid Handheld Market Fall (eMarketer, November 14th)
According to IDC, worldwide handheld device shipments slid 6% from Q3 2001 to Q3 2002. Casio’s market share was nearly halved over the past year, falling from 7.1% to 4.1%. It now looks up to newcomer Toshiba, which commands 4.3% of the market, to bridge the gap seperating Sony, HP and Palm from the rest of the market.

New Intel Pentium Has a Split Personality (internet.com, November 14th)
Intel Thursday released its fastest (and most expensive) Pentium processor to date, which it hopes will breathe new life into home and business PC sales.

Low-key Comdex to Highlight Gadgets (InfoWorld.com, November 14th)
The annual Comdex Fall trade show will begin in Las Vegas Sunday with 27 percent fewer exhibitors than last year, but organizers hope visitor numbers will remain high with people keen to see new handheld and Tablet PC products.

Internet, Grid To Forge Brave New Computing World (GridComputingPlanet, November 14th)
The Internet will eventually emerge as a 'global networked computing utility, replacing computing as we know it today,' according to the latest PricewaterhouseCoopers' technology forecast.

Mobile Computing: The Newest Wireless Technology (PC World, November 14th)
What's behind the 3G hype? What exactly are 3G networks, and why should we care? Well, they could just make productive mobile computing a viable option.

Mobile Net Use Proving Popular (BBC News, November 13th)
Slowly but surely, British mobile phone owners are starting to use the net while on the move. Over 11 million webpages are being looked at via phones every day according to figures collated by the Mobile Data Association.

Look Ma - No Wires! (eMarketer, November 13th)
The technology is finally in place for equipment manufacturers and service providers to roll out compelling telematics systems. Next step: listen to the consumers.

Silicon Hogs (Salon.com, November 13th)
A new study tars microchip manufacturing as wasteful and inefficient. Whatever happened to high tech's squeaky-clean image?

Xbox Blasts Video Gaming Into Cyberspace (USA Today, November 13th)
Microsoft goes live with Xbox Live on Friday, officially signaling the latest battleground in the video game wars: Cyberspace.

Sony, Philips Snap Up InterTrust (internet.com, November 13th)
The $453 million deal to acquire InterTrust gives the music and consumer electronics firms a huge chunk of DRM technology and patents worldwide.

Big Brother Shares Secrets (ABC News, November 13th)
Nearly 40 years ago, even their existence was top secret. But in two days thousands of spy satellite images will be posted on the Web for all the world to see — and download.

Microsoft, ViewSonic Tap 'Smart Display' Retailers (internet.com, November 12th)
Want to browse the Web from your couch? Download recipes in your kitchen? Check e-mail from your nightstand? ViewSonic and Microsoft are convinced you do, and are prepping a new line of "smart displays," wireless, touch screen monitors, that can make it happen.

Asia Outpaces the World in DSL (eMarketer, November 12th)
At the start of the 2001, there was no DSL market in Japan to speak of, but the country's growth has helped the region clobber North America and Europe in market share.

Europeans Place WAP on Call Waiting (eMarketer, November 12th)
Though nearly one-quarter of Europeans aged 16 and older own mobile phones enabled with WAP (wireless application protocol) that could be used to surf the web or send e-mail, only 3% actually use WAP applications, according to Forrester Research. This is in a region where 72% of Europeans in that age demographic (190 million consumers) own and use mobile phones.

Computerized Phones and What They Can Do for You (NewsFactor, November 12th)
IDC's Alex Slawsby, who likened dropping a $700 smartphone to wrecking a laptop PC, said users will continue to carry multiple devices for multiple functions until the price of smartphones drops.

TV Viewership and Technology Ownership (CyberAtlas, November 12th)
Marketers that are delving deeply into consumer behavior are likely to benefit from a report that examines the correlation between favorite television channels and technology ownership.

The Quiet Success Behind B2B (eMarketer, November 11th)
A number of private exchanges have "quietly" joined the likes of public B2C companies and portals on the road to prolonged profitability.

Hollywood: Hooray for Broadband! (internet.com, November 11th)
The concept of watching movies on your computer has been around for a while, and finally the big Hollywood studios are making a play for this nascent market, launching an online movie rental service called Movielink.

Computer Break-Ins: Your Right to Know (BusinessWeek Online, November 11th)
California law now demands that the public be informed when government or corporate databases are breached. It's about time.

Quantum Encryption Secures High-Speed Data Stream (EE Times, November 8th)
A quantum encryption system developed by two Northwestern University professors can encode entire high-speed data streams and could potentially encrypt data sent at Internet backbones speeds, its inventors said. The approach developed by Prem Kumar and Horace Yuen uses quantum codes to encrypt the signal transmitted down the Internet's optical fiber backbone.

CD Copy Protection 'A Waste of Time' (vnunet.com, November 8th)
The music industry's technical efforts to prevent CD piracy are "fundamentally misguided", according to a US technology expert.

Nokia Licenses BlackBerry Software (ITWorld.com, November 8th)
Nokia Corp. has agreed to license the BlackBerry wireless e-mail software developed by Research In Motion Ltd. in a move to simplify messaging services for corporate customers, the companies announced Friday.

Fiber Optics vs. Gigabit Ethernet (NewsFactor, November 7th)
Fiber's share of the horizontal market is still very small - probably less than 10 percent - but it eventually may eclipse or even displace twisted pair.

MS Palladium: A Must or a Menace? (ZDNet News, November 7th)
At the USENIX Security Conference held in San Francisco recently, Microsoft developers touted the company's upcoming Palladium architecture as technology that would enhance privacy, stymie piracy and increase a corporation's control over its computers. Others, however, see a more nefarious role for the security software.

Microsoft Partners Showcase Tablet PC Offerings (internet.com, November 7th)
After months of development and back and forth with Redmond, IT vendors launch products for the laptop/PDA hybrid, hoping the platform will reinvigorate sales tamped by the economy.

Study: Prolonged PC Use Saps Energy (MSNBC, November 7th)
Researchers in Japan have scientifically documented what dwellers of Dilbertville have known for years: Prolonged daily computer use can make you sore and sap your strength, energy and motivation.

HDTV Leaps 'Last Hurdle' in Transition (USA Today, November 7th)
TV makers and cable companies have tentatively reached a landmark agreement aimed at kick-starting the tepid rollout of digital high-definition TV (HDTV) — and eventually eliminating the need for cable set-top boxes, say people close to the matter.

Tablet PC: Coming to an Office Near You? (internet.com, November 6th)
With the Windows XP Tablet PC Edition launch Thursday, Microsoft is taking aim at what some call an untapped market: so-called 'corridor warriors.' The software giant and its hardware partners are excited by the new technology's possibilities, but analysts are taking a wait-and-see attitude.

Speeding Up Broadband (NewsFactor, November 5th)
Reaching the outer limits of Internet speed is a daunting challenge for a rapidly evolving medium that already has surpassed velocities once thought unattainable, such as T1 and T3.

Dell's First PDA to Debut Nov. 18 (internet.com, November 5th)
Dell Computer Monday gave its long anticipated handheld device a name and a release date. The Round Rock, Texas-based computer maker said its new personal digital assistants - called the Axim X5 - will be available on November 18 to correspond with the COMDEX show in Las Vegas. CNET gives a sneak preview of the device here.

Real to Bring MPEG-4 to Mobile Gadgets (internet.com, November 5th)
Tweaking its solid partnership with multimedia encoder maker Envivio, Seattle's RealNetworks Tuesday said the two companies will now work together to develop a mobile media encoder for the wireless sector.

Nokia Unveils New Phones, Game Console (Reuters, November 5th)
Nokia has unveiled seven new mobile devices, including one that doubles as a game console, as it takes aim at the burgeoning market represented by the video games industry.

Pen Pal Politicians Reach Voters (CyberAtlas, November 5th)
A growing number of elected officials in the U.S. are finding that the power of the people may lie in the power of the Internet.

AOL Loses Internet Privacy Ruling (MSNBC, November 4th)
A Virginia Supreme Court ruled against America Online in its efforts to protect the identity of one of its 35 million subscribers by asking the court to quash a subpoena calling for the member's name in an issue that goes to the heart of the anonymity of the Internet.

New Computers Likely to Take Some Control Away From Users (USA Today, November 4th)
To thwart hackers and foster online commerce, the next generation of computers will almost certainly cede some control to software firms, Hollywood and other outsiders. That could break a long-standing tenet of computing: that PC owners ultimately control data on their own machines.

Bargain Price on Plasma TV (SF Gate, November 4th)
Computer seller Gateway Inc. will begin selling a 42-inch plasma television today starting at just $3,000, a dramatic price cut for a new technology that has been priced far out of reach of most consumers.

IBM Says Builds Fastest Silicon Transistor (Reuters, November 4th)
International Business Machines Corp. on Monday said it had built a transistor, or an electronic switch, that can run at speeds of 350 billion cycles per second -- three times as fast as current technology.

Old Industry Legends Partner for Next-Generation Displays (internet.com, November 4th)
Three of the most storied names in industrial R&D have agreed to develop organic thin-film transistor technology on plastic substrates for use in next-generation displays.

Sony Handhelds Evolve With Macromedia Flash (internet.com, November 4th)
Broadening the capabilities of handhelds, Sony this morning said its new CLIE NX-series devices are the first to feature Macromedia's Flash Player on a Palm operating system. Financial terms were not disclosed.

Text Taxis (australia.internet.com, November 4th)
You may believe it's almost impossible to avoid rude taxi drivers or those who have no sense of direction. At least a new wireless solution makes it easier to hire one.

Power Pads (ABC News, November 1st)
MobileWise in Los Altos, Calf., recently showed off its Wire-Free Electricity Base. It connects to standard electrical outlets and looks like an oversized hotplate or mouse pad with a grid of tiny metal contact points. Any compatible device — a cell phone, a handheld computer — placed on the pad will automatically draw the correct amount of power from the pad's points to recharge its batteries.

Doing TV On The PC (Forbes.com, November 1st)
To generate sales this holiday season, personal-computer manufacturers are trying to marry the TV with the PC. This article takes a different stance - explaining the benefits and procedures involved in transforming a bare-bones PC into a television-equipped device.

The Tablet PC: It Rocks (Wired News, November 1st)
The Wired crew, after reviewing a Tablet PC by Electrovaya, gives the impression that you might as well pawn off the old PC now. Tablet PCs are coming and suddenly even the coolest little laptop looks so 20th century.


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