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Tech-Related Articles

(June 2001)

Messaging Technology Offers New Options to Widen Web (SiliconValley.com, June 26th)
Instant messaging and other peer-to-peer exchanges have been the first in a breed of new technologies set to completely change the manner by which networked systems operate. This article describes how persistent data exchanges will allow information to be processed and dispatched from a central server, only to appear in real-time within geographically distributed wordprocessors, spreadsheets and internet applications.

New Home Networking Standard Finalized (NewsFactor, June 26th)
Power line technologies, that take advantage of the ubiquity of home electrical sockets to bring broadband communication into homes around the world has been given a boost recently with analysts seeing the concept gain ground in America, where it had long been shunned.

Is Your TV Set Watching You? (MSNBC, June 25th)
This article presents more information regarding the tracking and profiling technologies that media companies are proposing to adopt once digital TV and iTV are phased in to the market. This will provide the medium with similar tracking and targeting capabilities as possessed by the internet. Find more on this issue in this AllNetDevices article [link expired].

IBM Unveils World's Fastest Silicon Transistor (UpsideToday, June 25th)
Big Blue has proven the naysayers wrong by cmpleting a successful series of tests that will see silicon indeed remaining the core component of the next-generation of microprocessors, whose speeds are expected to climb up to 5 times before silicon's potential is maxxed out.

NQL Browser Recorder Beta Released (BrowserWatch, June 25th)
An innovative new plug-in for IE takes the bookmarks/Favorites concept one step further by allowing users to record specific sequences of actions, such as logging in to an online banking or web-based email session, so that they may be automatically triggered with a single click.

Critics: Internet Headed for Information Monopoly (NewsFactor, June 25th)
With diversity making way for consolidation in the wake of the dotcom crash, the internet risks shaping up as a television-like medium in which information is controlled and distributed by just a few major organizations. Of course, you can help to reduce these effects by sticking to your guns and providing quality original content as an indie publisher.

Your Body, Your Profile: Biometrics Hits Online Advertising (ChannelSeven, June 22nd)
A technology devised by biometrics firm Predictive Networks is said to give marketers the ability to overcome one of the biggest hurdles facing effective targeting of ads towards individual users by determining demographic and phychographic features of a computer or iTV user based on how they behave when using the device. The firm suggests that, given time to determine trends, the system will eventually know which member of the family is using the device at a given time, what their interests are and how skilled they are at using the medium - all without accessing personally-identifying data such as the databases guarded so protectively by direct marketers.

How Microsoft Will End up Running the Internet (The Register, June 21st)
Here, the folks over at El Reg ponder the, quite real, possibility of new internets coming under the control of organizations such as Microsoft and AOL Time Warner, if New.net's experiment proves successful.

Opinion: Personal Networks Meeting Need for Pervasive Computing (MBusinessDaily, June 21st)
This column presents a detailed look at the development of Local Area Network (LAN) and Personal Area Network (PAN) systems that have been proposed or developed in recent years, while looking at how such technologies will affect the way consumers interact with media, and each other, in the near future.

Unified Messaging: A Quiet Wireless Revolution (M-Commerce Times, June 20th)
While Unified Messaging is set to revolutionize distant communication by offering multi-format support, proponents of the technology are playing down its potential so as to avoid the excessive hype that has made consumers skeptical about wireless adoption thus far.

HP Hopes to Reach the Living Room (internet.com, June 20th)
Bravely venturing into not only a new market, but one that is already crowded by names as large as Gateway, Philips, Sony and Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard has planned the release of a new range of networked home entertainment devices, starting with a sub-$1000 digital entertainment center that may store and catalog some 750CDs of data, while supporting networking sockets, removable storage and internet connectivity.

Blue Lasers - Not Just for Sci-Fi (NetworkStorageForum, June 19th)
In the race to develop efficient mass-storage and retrieval systems to handle the data capacity required by future systems, several technologies have been developed. One of the most promising of these, in the short-medium term, is expected to be the optical combination of blue lasers and LEDs that may be called upon in the development of high capacity DVDs and similar storage devices.

Java, Bluetooth On Verge of Long-Elusive Success (allNetDevices, June 18th)
Both names are familiar to techies the world over, though this is due more to the hype surrounding their development and launch than their popularity as development and communication platforms. Recently, though, advances in both technologies, in conjunction with the signing of significant contracts, has suggested that both systems have big futures in defining the direction taken by the wireless market.

Evolution of Handhelds Slows Down (PioneerPlanet, June 18th)
While Palm's much-touted Palm Pilot devices changed the mobile computing scene forever when they exploded in popularity during the late 90s, nothing much has happened since then (except for huge investments of venture capital) in the wireless market to lure new users towards the devices, or to encourage current users to make hardware upgrades.

Are DoCoMo's Lessons Transferable to the U.S. (NetworkWorldFusion, June 18th)
Japanese telecommunications giant NTT DoCoMo has made a roaring trade out of its iMode wireless product offering, with the system gaining some 16 million paying users within a matter of years. This article debates whether or not the firm's success could be translated to the Stateside markets, where cultural and technological differences stand to challenge such a presumption.

Wireless LANs Could Help M-Commerce Explode (internet.com, June 15th)
While legislators and technology providers continue to struggle over the rolling out of 2.5G and 3G wireless WANS, afforable high-speed technologies alreaqdy exist that permit wireless LANs to dish out some of the efficiency-related promises of their big cousins.

Study: Internet Fails to Impress (CNET News.com, June 14th)
A large proportion of those US residents who are not yet Net connected have stated in a recent study that they have no interest in doing so. In other nations, such as South Korea and India, however, there remains a great potential for short-term growth in adoption rates, with a large proportion of residents claiming their interest in the medium.

Mobile Phone Industry Adopts New Internet Standard (The Standard, June 13th)
The Mobile Services Initiative aims to introduce and support a new software and hardware standard to facilitate true internet functionality through a mobile platform.

Yahoo! Moving Beyond Ad Sales (internet.com, June 13th)
With online ad sales expected to remain sluggish for the best part of this year, Yahoo! has rapidly unveiled a series of premium services and partnerships aimed at diversifying its revenue base beyond advertising.

Ten Key Trends in Mobile Commerce 2001/2002 (M-Commerce Times, June 13th)
As if the tech crash wasn't enough of a warning to investors to ignore hype and instead direct concern at a company or technology's fundamental viability, this article attempts to strip back the mobile commerce landscape to reveal the opportunities and risks facing the market in coming years. Read more about the retreat of many telcos from the wireless market in this RedHerring story [link expired].

TV Ads Will Soon Be Watching You (The Seattle Times, June 12th)
Although somewhat overwhelmed by the rise of the commercial web, the digitization of television promises to bring on great changes in the way users interact with the medium, as well as how marketers are able to take advantage of digital technology. This article notes the viability of targeting ads according to household, or even user.

ZFrame Sends Web Page Replicas to Mobile Devices (TechWeb, June 12th)
Technology firm ZFrame has developed a system that replicates web pages in miniature form on the limited screens supported by wireless devices, while allowing users to zoom in to certain sections of the page.

Mobile Messaging: Not in the USA (Wired News, June 11th)
While the SMS messaging standard has taken off like wildfire through Europe, Asia and Australia, issues concerning a lack of inter-carrier interoperability and increased messaging costs have stopped the form from catching on in the States. The effect of thishas been a reduction in advances in m-commerce Stateside.

AltaVista Software Searches Office PCs (The Seattle Times, June 4th)
The market for intranet and internal network searching has expanded dramatically of late, promising both employees and employers the ability to track down intra-office documents more efficiently. Obviously, this trend, while showing much promise in terms of legitimate information retrieval, is being met with apprehension from both privacy advocates, and potential users who fear 'Big Brother'-like invasive network monitoring and sharing.

Microsoft XP to Have Video-Message Ability (The Seattle Times, June 4th)
In a move sure to ruffle the feathers of their competition (namely AOL TW), and security gurus, but sure to please consumers nonetheless, Microsoft has announced that its next messaging platform, to be integrated within the XP operating environment, will support video messaging, online gaming and other advanced interactive features. It is also being designed to run on a variety of platforms, including handheld devices that will realise the Dick Tracy ideal of visual long-distance communication.

Zoom Zoom Zoom (Optically Networked, June 4th)
Advancing the capability for Transatlantic broadband communications, TyCom Ltd has announced that its multi-terabit fibre line is presently being tested, and should roll out for commercial use by the end of this month. TyCom's system presents greater capacity than any Transatlantic system installed to date.

Pact May Take Mobile Messaging Beyond SMS (internet.com, June 4th)
Mobile telephony giants Alcatel, Ericsson, Motorola and Siemens have formed a pact to develop a system that does away with the limitations of the 160-character, text-only SMS messaging system, but incorporating graphical elements, formatable text and support for longer messages within its new EMS (Enhances Messaging Service) proposed standard.

Glitches Hit Japan's 3G Trial (BBC News, June 1st)
Although Japan is far ahead of the rest of the world in terms of mobile device penetration, and has seen great success through their i-Mode network, the limited 3G beta test that is presently being carried out has proven that the systems involved need to be refined substantially before the project can be expected to generate a commercially-viable network.


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