Tech-Related Articles
(July 2002)
Telegen Brings Display Patent Into The Light (, July 31st)
Digital television maker, Telegen Corp. Tuesday said it has secured a U.S. patent for an advanced version of its flat panel display technology it says could eventually be read in full sunlight.
Profiling The ‘IT’ Guy (ABC News, July 31st)
Segway creator Dean Kamen is a quirky guy. He wears denim — always — and he really likes Albert Einstein. His home and office are filled with drawings and paintings of the famous physicist. He's also a multimillionaire who has invented medical devices that have changed people's lives.
Light Speed (RedHerring, July 31st)
It's hard enough for chip makers simply to keep pace with Moore's law, which predicts that chips will double in performance every 18 months. But Lenslet Labs in Ramat Gan, Israel, is aiming to leapfrog Moore's law altogether by coming up with an optical signal processor that could run as much as a thousand times faster than today's fastest digital signal processors (DSPs), the math chips in everything from cell phones to music players.
Sour Notes (, July 30th)
The legal crackdown hasn't squelched MP3 trading - it's just made it more of a pain. But the music industry would still rather fight than give its online customers what they want.
Microsoft to Disclose Secret Code (The Seattle Times, July 30th)
In a striking departure from its secretive approach to software development, Microsoft is making some of its prized, secret compiler code available to university researchers as part of an effort to improve its relationship with academia.
Worldwide Broadband Trends (CyberAtlas, July 30th)
In-Stat/MDR claims broadband subscriber growth remains robust, while the Yankee Group says new technologies offer cost-effective business broadband options.
Cash, Credit or Mobile? (eMarketer, July 30th)
Retailers in Asia are accommodating customers who choose to pay through their mobile devices. Few consumers currently engage in such transactions, but many seem willing to try.
Grid's Promise Depends On Infrastructure Development (Grid Computing Planet, July 30th)
Grid's promise remains strong, but it is turning out to be more difficult than expected to develop the infrastructure for Grid computing, San Diego Supercomputer Center Director Fran Berman told the Global Grid Forum 5 in Edinburgh last week.
Preparing the Internet for Outer Space (ABC News, July 29th)
No one can deny that the Internet has become a worldwide phenomenon. But Vint Cerf, one of the chief engineers that helped create the global network of computers, has loftier goals for the Net. He and others engineers are working with scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory to develop the Interplanetary Internet, or IPN. More on this is noted within this Wired News article [link expired].
Another Small Step Toward Quantum Computing (Nanotech Planet, July 29th)
Scientists at the University of Wisconsin have designed a semiconductor-based device that can trap individual electrons and align them, bringing practical quantum computing one step closer to reality.
The War for Your TV (Newsweek, July 29th)
Digital video recorders like TiVo let you watch shows when you want to rather than when the programmers decide. The new Replay DVR even lets you automatically skip ads and allows you to trade shows online. Now the deep-pocketed networks are striking back.
Faster Chips With Chicken Feathers (TechTV, July 29th)
Computers could be getting a whole lot faster, thanks to chickens - or, rather, their feathers, which turn out to make great conductors when they're pressed into circuit boards for computer chips. Tonight's "Tech Live" reports.
A Wearable PC That Helps Your Remember (ABC News, July 26th)
A prototype 'Personal Awareness Assistant', developed by researchers from Accenture Technology Labs, unites speech recognition functions with wearble computing technology to assist memory in social and business situations.
Yale Accuses Princeton of Hacking (MSNBC, July 26th)
The head of admissions at Princeton University was suspended after his office was accused of improperly entering a Yale University Web site where applicants can find out whether they were accepted. Yale officials notified the FBI on Thursday about 18 unauthorized log-ins to the Web site that were traced back to computers at Princeton, including computers in the admissions office. More on this stunning story of industrial espionage is noted in this article [link expired].
Flash Cards Security Standard Unveiled (, July 25th)
Five of the biggest names in the electronics and semiconductor industries on Thursday announced the creation of a new mobile commerce extension standard for flash memory cards, a move aimed at squarely at the lucrative market for micropayments.
IT Leaders Predict Government Cyber Attack (, July 25th)
The Software Business Alliance, the software and Internet industry trade association that includes Microsoft and Intel, says the U.S. government is at risk for a major cyber attack in the next year, but agencies are not adequately prepared to defend themselves. Of course, the skeptics out there will likely twig at the fact that the same group of professionals who are making such dire predictions stand to benefit financially from any fear that said prediction manages to drum up. Still, the threat of cyber-attack and cyber-disruption remain salient, with politicians increasingly expecting rogue groups such as Al Queda to incorporate cyber elements into their next offensive.
Anti-Piracy File Sharing Bill Goes To The House (, July 25th)
A bill sent to congress Thursday morning is expected to send shockwaves through the peer-to-peer file sharing community. If passed, the bill will effectively give copyright holders the right to act with vigilante-like intent in sabotaging the operation of P2P networks, without facing legal repurcussions.
IBM, Opera Will Create Multimodal Browser (, July 24th)
A week after announcing its commitment to multimodal technology - which allows users to use multiple forms of input and output interchangeably in the same interaction - IBM said Wednesday that it is cooperating with Opera to create a multimodal browser based on the XHTML+Voice (X+V) specification.
Security Driven Two-Headed Hard Drive (ZDNet, July 24th)
Tokyo-based Scarabs has developed a prototype security-conscious hard drive, which has a read-only head and a read-write head. The Web server can only read from the drive, theoretically making it impossible for attackers to deface the site or otherwise modify data.
Fiber: Coming Soon To A Home Near You (, July 24th)
2002 has seen a influx of optical fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) solutions emerge from a bevy of equipment makers, bringing prices down and making the speedy data delivery technology manageable for not only incumbent telecom carriers, but municipalities, upscale development communities and small independent companies.
What Is Grid Computing, Anyway? (NewsFactor, July 24th)
One good way to gauge a new technology's degree of acceptance is to observe whether it has moved out of the laboratory and onto store shelves -- from science to commerce. According to that measure, grid computing is just coming of age.
Internet Car Specs Get An Alignment (, July 24th)
The convergence of automobiles and the Internet got a boost Tuesday as a group representing major car manufacturers settled on a single standard to drive development of telematics.
FCC Notes Broadband Numbers up at End of 2001 (eMarketer, July 24th)
The FCC reports that there were 12.8 million broadband internet connections in the US at the end of 2001, 11 million of which were residential and small business.
Air-to-Ground Communications Pact Formed (Instant Messaging Planet, July 24th)
New alliance will bring SMS, e-mail and high-speed data communications to airline passengers flying on Airbus planes.
US Company Tests Broadband Airplane (, July 24th)
By 2005, people might be receiving mobile phone services, broadband connections and even digital TV from solar-powered airplanes that fly at 65,000 feet.
Intel Draws Plan for Portable Media Player (ITworld, July 24th)
Perhaps growing a little envious of Apple's successful iPod unit, Intel Corp. is looking to further expand its business beyond computers by developing a blueprint for a portable media player that relies on Intel hardware, the company said Wednesday.
Motorola Says Working on Wireless Game Products (Reuters, July 24th)
Wireless technology giant Motorola Inc. is working with major video game companies to develop chips that would allow gamers to play each other on wireless networks at home, it said on Wednesday.
U.S. Internet Snooping: Still Out of Control? (NewsFactor, July 23rd)
As the public learns more about the technical workings and policy of government Internet surveillance, many are concerned that fears of privacy infringement, data mismanagement and government abuse may be all too legitimate.
China Internet Use Grows (BBC News, July 23rd)
Internet use in China is growing fast, with the number of people logging on regularly up by more than a third in the first half this year, official figures show. This growth has given China the third biggest net using population in the world, as built upon in this article by MSNBC [link expired].
Could Hollywood Hack Your PC? (CNET, July 23rd)
Congress is about to consider an entertainment industry proposal that would authorize copyright holders to disable PCs used for illicit file trading. More on the dangerous situation is presented within this article from BusinessWeek Online [link expired].
Airwaves Freed for Wireless Devices (USA Today, July 23rd)
The Pentagon has agreed to give up two slices of the airwaves for use by advanced mobile phones and other wireless devices, the Bush administration announced Tuesday. The plan is meant to solve a clash between telecommunications companies seeking to expand their offerings for users of wireless gadgets and military officials wanting to protect their communications devices. More on this is presented within this article [link expired].
Broadband Endures Latin America's Economy (eMarketer, July 23rd)
The number of broadband households in Latin America is forecast to increase tenfold from 2002 to 2007. Growth has been strong even in countries where the economy took a nosedive.
Raising the Accessibility Bar (Wired News, July 22nd)
Stanford University's Archimedes Project is working to make information accessible to everyone - not just individuals with disabilities, but also the elderly, those who can't read and just about anyone else who uses computers and information appliances.
Do We Really Need a National ID Plan? (CNET, July 22nd)
Brad Jansen, an analyst at the Free Congress Foundation, has long been a dogged opponent of national identification cards based on what he sees as opportunities for abuse and a limitation of basic civil liberties.
Talking about Telecommuting Opportunities (eMarketer, July 22nd)
According to a Positively Broadband/Winston Group report, over one-half of US adults think their quality of life would be improved if they could telecommute.
Physicians' Net Usage Up (CyberAtlas, July 22nd)
The availability of online medical information, coupled with droves of surfing patients, has resulted in an increase in online hours for doctors.
Rendezvous with Jaguar: Apple Prepares to Bid Farewell to AppleTalk (EarthWeb, July 22nd)
Apple's Rendezvous promises to make accessing network resources much easier for your users. Easy enough, in fact, that as Apple shucks Appletalk, Microsoft is examining Rendezvous for its own Windows XP.
U.S. Supercomputers Dealt Setback (MSNBC, July 21st)
U.S. supercomputers have been the world's most powerful since the first high-performance machines analyzed virtual nuclear blasts, climate change and the makeup of the universe. Now, a Japanese contender built upon an 'old' design has been clocked running five times faster than the previous record holder.
The Instant-Mess Age (, July 21st)
Instant communications, particularly the advent of email and instant messaging, have brought the business world great advantages in terms of efficiency, but there are salient risks associated with the push-button world, as this article highlights.
Roll Up for the Floppy Television (MSNBC, July 19th)
First they went wider, then flatter, and now televisions are set to go floppy. Roll-up, flexible televisions, akin to the melting watches of Salvador Dali’s surreal landscapes, have become possible thanks to a glowing plastic compound perfected in the laboratories of Britain’s Cambridge Display Technology (CDT).
Linux Xbox Got More Than Game (Wired News, July 19th)
Microsoft wants to control every living room across the country, making the computer the centerpiece of the home entertainment network. The Xbox, Microsoft's video-game console, has long been rumored to be at the core of that strategy, a dream that may soon come true thanks to a team of hackers who are transforming the game console into a home computer. The rub is that the newly hacked system will run without any Microsoft software.
Heavyweights Pump Up Wi-Fi (, July 19th)
Until recently the province of fledgling upstarts, the 802.11 industry now has the full attention of the biggest names in the tech and wireless industries.
Federal Bill Targets Electronic Waste (CNET, July 19th)
Hoping to wake the country from its "e-waste nightmare," a U.S. congressman has introduced a bill intended to address the increasing volumes of obsolete computers by assessing a fee on the sale of new PCs, notebooks and monitors to fund a broad ewaste recycling program.
EUV Light Source Could Help Nanoscale Measurements (Nanotech Planet, July 19th)
By developing a sharply focused laser-like beam of ultraviolet light using a device that could fit on a dining room table, researchers have potentially broken one of the barriers to ever-shrinking chip sizes.
In Midst of a PC Slump, Apple Still Aims for Growth (NY Times, July 19th)
A prosperous future for Apple depends on persuading legions of personal computer users to switch from Microsoft Windows to Apple's Macintosh technology.
Inside the Invention Factory (RedHerring, July 18th)
Bell Labs is financially dependent on ailing Lucent Technologies. Does this endanger the future of research and development?
Grid Computing A Natural For Disaster Recovery (, July 18th)
Grid computing can play an important role in business continuity and disaster recovery plans, industry officials say.
Net Becomes British Way of Life (BBC News, July 18th)
Just over 70% of people questioned for the survey for consumer magazine Which? Online said the net had become essential. Email was the most popular activity, and net users spent an average of seven hours online each week.
Cable Customers Get Digital Recording Option (USA Today, July 18th)
Time Warner Cable will start letting some of its customers pause live television and digitally record programs through a new set-top box that is similar to those sold by TiVo and ReplayTV.
Blowing Broadband Out of the Water (MSNBC, July 18th)
If going online with your home computer is like turning on the tap for a glass of water, getting on the Internet this fall at Case Western Reserve University is going to be like opening a fire hydrant.
IM, Other Technologies Displacing Long Distance (Instant Messaging Planet, July 18th)
More people than ever are eschewing long-distance calls for alternative forms of communication like e-mail and IM when they reach out and touch someone.
Waiting for the iRevolution (ASPnews, July 18th)
The U.K.-based ASP is passionately convinced that the one-to-many model of online software delivery will eventually triumph - even though he's been waiting longer than most for that day to come.
Ballmer: MS Sees the Linux Challenge (ZDNet, July 17th)
The emergence of Linux as a serious competitor to Windows has forced Microsoft to change the way it approaches customers to pitch its products, according to Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer.
Jobs Pulls Out All the Geek Stops (Wired News, July 17th)
Apple's unique mixture of hard-core geek chic and artsy cuteness was fully on display during Steve Job's announcement-packed presentation at this year's MacWorld, which previewed brand new software and hardware and interesting upgrades to Apple's OS X operating system and applications. Jobs was also proud to highlight the fact that the success of OS X has made Apple the biggest single distributor of Unix-based operating systems in the world.
Computer Security Standards Ready (, July 17th)
In a high-tech, high-powered version of a neighborhood watch, a group of government agencies and private businesses plan to announce today a common set of standards and software to fight computer hacking.
SGI Sets Its Sights on 'Visual Area Networking' (, July 17th)
Imagine you are a geologist on an oil rig in the middle of the ocean, when you need to access the company's supercomputer. So you flip down your wearable computer eyepiece interface and instantly access petabytes of data and teraflops of computing at gigabytes per second.
Don't Type That: Yahoo Edits E-mail (MSNBC, July 17th)
What does Yahoo Mail have against mocha? That's what users of the company's free e-mail service may be wondering if they try to send a message using the word “mocha” and discover that while in transit, “mocha” mysteriously changes to “espresso.” To protect HTML email recipients from malicious code, Yahoo uses an automated filter to swap out a handful of words such as “mocha” that pertain to Web code known as JavaScript. Further analysis of Yahoo's new email feature is made within this article [link expired].
Competition is the Key to Broadband Growth (eMarketer, July 17th)
Is your country a Tier One or a Tier Five in terms of broadband growth potential? eMarketer breaks down the readiness and potential of 29 countries.
A Conversation With The Inventor Of Email (EarthWeb, July 16th)
Ray Tomlinson gave society one of the greatest communication tools in history. He invented email back in 1971, eventually transforming global business communication. In this EarthWeb Q&A, Tomlinson discusses spam, the future of email and his current work in distributed computing.
New Windows XP Focuses on Play (BBC News, July 16th)
Microsoft is moving closer towards turning the home computer into a jukebox for video, music and pictures with the release of a new version of its Windows XP operating system. More on Microsoft's gradual entry into the production of unified home entertainment systems is noted in this article [link expired].
A Whole New World of 3-D Design (BusinessWeek Online, July 16th)
Powerful yet cheap PCs and amazingly sophisticated software are transforming how things get made. No industry is being left untouched.
Hacktivists Make Software to Deliver Censored Content (, July 16th)
Hacktivists, those using their hacking skills to promote social causes, have taken to ensuring a truly open Internet. This week, two major efforts have stepped forth to get content through government firewalls.
House Votes Life for Malicious Hackers (, July 16th)
Of greater concern, the Cyber Security Enhancement Act also proposes an easing of wire tap restrictions on phones and Internet connections.
Bush Looks to Harness Tech Against Terrorism (, July 16th)
U.S. President George W. Bush unveiled his new national security strategy Tuesday, outlining plans to harness the government's use of technology to detect and prevent terrorism.
Israel Blocks Palestinian ISP (Wired News, July 16th)
For hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, getting to work, school or the market has been virtually impossible since Israel's latest anti-terror campaign began. Now, they won't be able to get online, either.
Wall Street's Secret Affair With Linux (EarthWeb, July 16th)
Wall Street's big brokerage houses, always on the lookout for new technology that might give them an edge over the competition, are turning to Linux in a big way. Few in this tight-lipped community, however, will discuss details.
Ethernet Moves Toward Universal Broadband Access (, July 16th)
The Ethernet standard got a shot in the arm Tuesday towards its goal of becoming a Universal Broadband Access technology.
Price Cuts Spur Korea's Mobile Net Use and Revenues (eMarketer, July 16th)
In South Korea, where over three-quarters of wireless subscribers engage in short messaging, SK Telecom is reaping the profits of its 53% market share. A price slashing war could ensue.
Bluetooth May Take Bite Out of 'Smart Car' Market (USA Today, July 15th)
Analysts suggest that Ford's ambitious but flawed Wingcast project, which was designed to bring telematic capabilities to vehicles, failed due to its reliance on outdated analog technologies. Bluetooth's digital wireless technology is seen by many as key to future experiments in telematics.
Mac Users Get Their Own TiVo-like Device (Wired News, July 15th)
A Macintosh software company plans to launch Monday the first consumer personal video recorder for Mac aficionados.
Digital TV Deadline Set (USA Today, July 15th)
The chairman of the House Commerce Committee has set a September deadline for agreement between the technology and entertainment industries on how to deliver the crisper pictures and interactive features of digital television.
Intel's in the Lab with Ultra Wideband (Ultra Wideband Planet, July 15th)
What's Intel's take on Ultra Wideband technology and its prospects for mass market consumption? Here, UWP speaks to Intel Labs' Kevin Kahn, ultra-researcher extraordinaire and a director of their Communications Interconnect Technology Lab.
Sun, Strike Deal (, July 15th)
Microsoft rivals join forces to offer StarOffice on the Lindows operating system.
Canadians Ready for E-Learning (CyberAtlas, July 15th)
More than half of the surveyed Canadians indicate that they are likely to trade the classroom for a mouse.
The Three Biggest Challenges in Enterprise Mobility (M-Commerce Times, July 15th)
Industry expert Douglas Neal of Mobile Automation lays out the big picture for the obstacles facing companies seeking to effectively and efficiently mobilize their workforce - and puts it in a systems thinking perspective to avoid piecemeal approaches.
VoIP Far and Away Favored Overseas (ISP-Planet, July 12th)
While the U.S. market dithers about deploying VoIP, service providers in overseas markets are already reporting great gains from their initial expenditures - based on a study completed by the Boston-based research firm, Aberdeen Group.
The Hackers Who Ate New York City (Wired News, July 12th)
This weekend, a few thousand systems-obsessed individuals will be able to fuel their paranoia in workshops that promise to reveal in hellish detail the wicked machinations of governments and big corporations at the fourth annual gathering of Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE).
Do We Really Want the Wireless Web? (PC World, July 12th)
Survey shows few current users and little interest, but service providers aim to change that.
Tuning in to Satellite and Digital Radio (CyberAtlas, July 12th)
The U.S. prepares for satellite while 284 million people around the world enjoy digital audio broadcasts.
Nano Isn't Solo: Government to Encourage Convergence (Small Times, July 12th)
The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Commerce this week published a study that examines how convergence of nanotechnology with other sciences can help improve human performance. The study identifies areas such as work efficiency and learning, health care, human-machine interfaces for industrial and personal use and enhanced human capabilities for national defense as fields that will benefit from increased research.
A New Code for Anonymous Web Use (Wired News, July 12th)
Peer-to-peer networks such as Morpheus and Audiogalaxy have enabled millions to trade music, movies and software freely. A group of veteran hackers is about to unveil a new peer-to-peer protocol that may eventually let millions more surf, chat and e-mail free from prying eyes.
Where 3G Is First-Rate (BusinessWeek Online, July 12th)
Consumer acceptance of this high-speed wireless service is slow - except in South Korea, where KT Freetel looks like a winner.
Emergency? Just Text the Police (Instant Messaging Planet, July 12th)
A police department in central England will next Monday launch the country's first text-messaging service for those people who are deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech impaired to help them contact authorities in an emergency. While the same concept is available in the U.S., it works differently than the U.K. system, and it has some technological problems.
Computer, Heal Thyself (Wired News, July 11th)
Christof Teuscher's view of the future of computers will have them develop systems that mimic biological precursors. The most sentient of these is the ability for a computer to self-replicate certain elements and to heal itself where physical or other damage has taken place in order to avoid shutting down completely.
Can We Trust Microsoft's Palladium? (, July 11th)
Critics say Redmond's new security initiative will imprison users. But why would Bill Gates want to do that?
Broadband Providers Back Need for Speed (BBC News, July 11th)
Broadband users could pay a premium for faster connections as providers look at ways of making more money from high-speed services.
National Science Foundation Boosts Grid Computing (Grid Computing Planet, July 11th)
The National Science Foundation hopes to do for Grid computing what it did for the Internet.
Grants Aim to Hook Up Rural Areas (, July 11th)
The Rural Utilities Service, part of the Agriculture Department, began accepting applications July 8 to provide broadband transmission services to rural, economically challenged communities throughout the U.S.
ACLU Calls Broadband Regs First Amendment Issue (, July 10th)
Claiming cable high-speed Internet systems are being built to block content and to support invasions of consumer privacy, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) today launched a campaign to redefine the issues involving the deployment of broadband as the "key First Amendment issue of the 21st Century." For more on this, and how it may threaten the diversity of opinion promised as a core value of the net, see this article [link expired].
Enter the Mesh: How Small Tech and Pervasive Computing Will Weave a New World (Small Times, July 10th)
They will watch you. They will know you. They will be all but invisible to you. By 2010 there will be 10,000 connected microsensors for every person on the planet, an Ernst & Young report predicted in 1999. This pervasive computing 'mesh' are expected to interlace with every aspect of commerce and life in developed nations.
IBM Plans Low-Cost Storage Appliance (, July 10th)
Aiming at medium-size businesses looking for some relatively low-cost hardware in which to store their data, IBM in August plans to start shipping a networked storage appliance that offers close to half a terabyte of storage, the company said Wednesday.
The Network is the Computer (, July 10th)
Yet another feature article concerning the rise in prevalence of computing projects that employ the collective power of a networked grid.
Coming Soon to Your Cable Box (RedHerring, July 10th)
Cable providers are upping the ante in the competition for broadband subscribers. By combining cable TV, broadband service, and wireless connectivity in one set-top box, cable companies could soon offer consumers value that DSL firms won't be able to match.
Quiet, Sad Death of Net Pioneer (Wired News, July 9th)
It's horribly ironic that the news of Gene Kan's death has traveled so slowly - no tributes posted on Usenet, no mention of his passing at any of the usual geek news sites. Perhaps the story of how a 25-year-old genius took his own life is simply something that is just too difficult for folks to talk about.
Cable Firms in Hot Pursuit of Wi-Fi Mavericks (ZDNet, July 9th)
Broadband providers are cracking down on popular Wi-Fi networks, threatening to cut service to customers who set up the inexpensive wireless systems and allow others to freely tap into their Internet access.
Mobile Entertainment Prepares for Growth (, July 9th)
According to a new report, Western European consumers will spend EUR23 billion on non-voice entertainment services through their mobile phones.
Hate Flourishes on the Net (BBC News, July 9th)
Hate has flourished on the internet since the 11 September attacks, according to the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
Pushing the News (, July 9th)
Washington journalists Fred Barnes and Morton Kondracke are part of a group of area businessmen launching a new Web service that manages and streamlines all types of information from news, commentary, legislation and regulation with a tool that "learns" user preferences and "pushes" only relevant information to the user in written, audio and video formats. Some may remember that 'push technology' was all the rage during the early bubble years as a logical development to take full advantage of the net, but never really caught the attention of consumers.
Flash Memory: Evolution or Revolution (NewsFactor, July 9th)
Flash memory manufacturers, which make the chips that store information in cell phones, personal digital assistants, digital cameras and game consoles, are engaged in a constant battle to create the smallest, most density-rich and most innovative flash memory products. But is the technology yet mature enough to spearhead a portable storage revolution?
Home Networking Not Just For Geeks Anymore (, July 9th)
Home networking has reached the "early majority" phase in its growth as a market, thanks in part to broadband growth in the U.S., as well as the need to share files and printers, according to a report released by Cahner's In-Stat Monday.
Firms See Promise in Camera-Enabled Phones (, July 9th)
Camera-enabled mobile phones have a Woburn, Mass., firm envisioning a new way for business travelers to access information and make purchases.
Linux Tries iPod On for Size (ZDNet, July 9th)
Windows users have recently been given access to the popular Macintosh music player, iPod. Now Linux users may soon be able to take a bite out of Apple's gadget too.
Voice Activated Functionality for BlackBerry Unveiled (allNetDevices, July 9th)
Cybernetics InfoTech, Inc., unveiled its MobiVoice attachment to BlackBerry devices Monday as the first of what the company said will be a family of products for wireless PDA applications. The device adds several voice activated functions to the device.
Flat Panel iMac Gets Super-Sized (ZDNet, July 9th)
Apple Computer plans to serve up a new iMac model with a larger flat-panel display during next week's Macworld Expo trade show, according to sources.
Microsoft: Palladium Not Just for Windows (ZDNet, July 8th)
Following widespread skepticism of Microsoft's motives for developing its trusted computing platform, the software giant this week moved to reassure the software community that Palladium will not be limited to Microsoft's platforms.
The End of the Road for Bar Codes (BusinessWeek Online, July 8th)
If the success of early trials is anything to go by, chip-embedded radio tags could revolutionize retailing and see both barcodes, queues and checkout-chicks (apologies for the anti-PC sentiment) obsolete.
Quantum Computing Puts Encrypted Messages at Risk (NewsFactor, July 8th)
Given that quantum computers will provide an enormous power boost, encryption experts believe that current standards for encryption, which are based on computational difficulty, will then fall.
The Clouds of Digital War (ABC News, July 8th)
Many security experts fear that the next big terrorist strike against the United States might be on - and through - the Internet and other vital interconnected computer networks.
FBI Uneasy About Plan to Deregulate Fast Net (USA Today, July 8th)
A federal plan to deregulate high-speed Internet access might have an unintended consequence: The FBI is worried it could hamper the fight against terrorism.
Supercomputing: Suddenly Sexy (Wired News, July 8th)
Just as desktop processing technology has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years (thanks Moore!), supercomputing systems - whether grid-based or unified - have seen their capacity for calculation increase dramatically. This has given rise to a new breed of supercomputer that can, more than ever before, simulate real-world weather conditions to accurately predict weather and guard against natural disasters.
Internet Users in the UK (eMarketer, July 7th)
National Statistics UK estimates that 55% of the UK has used the internet at some point.
XML Takes Pain Out Of Contracts (Internet Week, July 5th)
Two early users of an XML-based transaction and document exchange system are achieving significant cost and cycle-time reductions in executing contracts with customers.
Wanted: Your IT For Secret Agent Program (, July 4th)
In this age of heightened security, the CIA is looking to IT professionals to help not only its battle against terrorism but in its fight against information overload.
Waiting, Waiting and Waiting for IPv6 (ISP Planet, July 3rd)
The Internet's newest IP addressing scheme is ready for prime time, but the U.S. and the IETF are willing to hold off on widespread adoption of the revised naming system just a little bit longer.
Its a Notebook, It's a Tablet, It's a Hybrid (allNetDevices, July 3rd)
PaceBlade Technology last week announced that its PaceBook hybrid PC is now available in the United States. The PaceBook combines the functions of a notebook, LCD PC and tablet PC. The company claims that it is the first notebook in the world to work in portrait mode.
A Battery's Best Friend (, July 3rd)
"Our supercapacitor is fundamentally based on nanotechnology, and has been since before it was fashionable." Those words of cap-XX CEO, Anthony Kongats, sum up why this Australian developer and manufacturer of supercapacitors is well placed for success in the electronics marketplace.
Nextel Intros Color Java Phone (allNetDevices, July 2nd)
Nextel Communications Inc. and Motorola, Inc. announced a color display, Java technology-enabled phone for the US - the Motorola i95cl, available Monday from Nextel.
The Keys to a More Secure Future (BusinessWeek Online, July 2nd)
What are the factors that will determine how safe our world can be made? Here's a look at several tech tactics, as well as some basic human qualities that must be addressed as essentials to a holistic security effort.
ArrayComm Deploys 3G Wireless DownUnder (, July 2nd)
As U.S. carriers struggle to get third-generation wireless technology such as 1XRT and GPRS out the door, other parts of the world are already bringing less costly alternatives to market. For an update on where the leading U.S. telcos are on the issue, see this article [link expired].
Challenges for Developing Countries (eMarketer, July 2nd)
An insider reports from the UN Conference on Trade and Development's "Regional High-Level Workshop on Electronic Commerce and ICT for Central America and the Caribbean". Find out what Central American and Caribbean nations can do to foster e-business opportunities and lessen the digital divide.
Nanoscale Sensor Could Increase Data Storage Capacity (Nanotech Planet, July 2nd)
Researchers at the State University of New York at Buffalo have developed an extremely sensitive nanoscale device that could shrink ultra-high-density storage devices to incredibly small sizes.
Internet Bodyguards: Don't Go Online Without One (NewsFactor, July 2nd)
Faced with ever more complex and devious threats on the Internet, consumers are benefiting from improvements in firewalls that are bringing corporate-style security and scanning to home PCs.
Consumer Demand for VOD (eMarketer, July 2nd)
Parks Associates estimates that 30 million people in the US would take advantage of VOD or movie-on-demand services if made available.
Broadband, Breakfast And Beer (, July 2nd)
Launching today, Aussie startup Airportal is planning on rolling out 50-100 wireless networks over the next year in myriad public hotspots like bars, cafes and hotels. Once done it then wants to integrate with existing dialup ISPs to seamlessly offer the services to the masses.
The Municipal WISP (ISP Planet, July 2nd)
It may one day be as common for small cities and towns across America to offer broadband Internet access services as it is today for municipalities to provide electricity and water. Indeed, a few small towns already are offering Internet services.
PC Sales Surpass One Billion (PC World, July 1st)
The PC industry has reached the milestone of 1 billion PCs shipped since the advent of personal computers just over 25 years ago, and will take just 6 years to cross the two-billion threshold, according to research from Gartner and Intel. The crossing of this milestone has triggered a wave of reflection upon the industry that has changed the world. Some of the ideas concerning where computing may head next are explored within this BBC News article.
Biometric Security - From Fingers To Faces (EarthWeb, July 1st)
Gummy fingerprints aside, biometric security has its share of potential issues to overcome, including end-user resistance to potential privacy threats and methods that seem invasive. Nevertheless, with security set to be the hot-button issue of the decade, it goes without saying that biometric systems will work their way into mainstream application within a handful of years.
The Future Supercomputer: Colossus or Cluster? (NewsFactor, July 1st)
An increasingly network-centric information technology environment has given birth to a new breed of supercomputers - and they no longer occupy giant datacenters and run at temperatures that would make Vesuvius blush.
FCC Stymies Broadband in U.S. (, July 1st)
A new report asserts that the FCC is trying to keep DSL and cable service in the hands of a relative few, driving out the competition and keeping prices too high. The net result of this is turmoil for online entertainment and convergent services, and a possible broadening of the digital divide.