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Tech-Related Articles

(August 2002)

Whatever Happened to Virtual Reality? (NewsFactor, August 30th)
Less than a dozen years ago, it seemed as though virtual reality was poised to be the next major technology, though actual implementations were mainly being put to use in arcades. Then, as quickly as it arose amid much hype, the field seemed to disappear. Even the shoot-em-up headsets at the arcades were hard to find.

Computational and Electrical Grids Compared (GridComputingPlanet, August 30th)
Grid computing's evolution can best be measured by how it compares to electrical grids. Two researchers offer a point by point comparison.

Want to Stay Out of Jail? Going Thin-Client Is Your Safest Bet (Thin Planet, August 30th)
Can your IT practices lead to jail time? Under the new Sarbanes-Oxley Act signed into law by President Bush on July 30, 2002, this concept is not as outlandish as it sounds.

Pentagon Testing Wearable PCs During Reconstruction (internet.com, August 29th)
The Department of Defense is evaluating Xybernaut's wearable computers configured with Protolex field force automation tools during the reconstruction of the Pentagon.

Pedal Power: Look Ma No Wires (australia.internet.com, August 29th)
An innovative, pedal powered, wireless network provides Internet access to off-grid villages in Laos.

The Need For Security - And Ethics - Education (Datamation, August 29th)
There are plenty of lessons to be learned from the saga of the Princeton admissions director who was caught breaking in to confidential files on a Yale Web site.

SBA Rejects FCC's Broadband Plan (internet.com, August 28th)
Not everyone in the federal government thinks deregulation is a great idea to spur the growth of high-speed services. One outfit's advocacy division has its own ideas, one that lets ISPs compete.

Mobile Navigation the Next Killer App (eMarketer, August 28th)
Compass needles are pointing to higher sales for wireless operators and telematics companies, as consumers in the US and Japan plan on adopting navigation services en masse.

Does Crime Pay More on the Internet? (NewsFactor, August 28th)
Crime on the Internet, as opposed to crime in the physical world, generally does not involve physical danger or high risk of exposure - but does it pay more? The Internet's tentacles reach deeply into almost all facets of business and personal life, leaving companies and consumers vulnerable to attack and making it easier for criminals to remain anonymous.

Task Force Stresses Cooperation In Fighting Cyber Crime (eSecurity Planet, August 28th)
Law enforcement and security experts in the private sector and academia must work together in order to effectively combat cyber crime, according to a Secret Service task force.

EU B2B Expected to Explode (CyberAtlas, August 28th)
Propelled by IT spending, online trade is poised to grow into the trillions by 2006.

Can a Computer Have a Conscience? (PC World.com, August 27th)
An IBM researcher is building a database that applies a physician's code of ethics to the way it handles your personal data. Can a computer be taught to do no harm?

'True' Broadband Can Grow GDP: Gartner (internet.com, August 27th)
The promise of new economies growing from advanced communications lives, but Gartner Dataquest says it will take years for backbone providers to make the transition to 'true' broadband speeds.

Instant Answers With PDA Pop Quiz (Wired News, August 27th)
Developers at Wake Forest University have written software that turns a Compaq iPaq PDA into a mobile, wireless Web server, allowing teachers and students to communicate in new ways in the classroom.

Next Level: Internet Gaming Arrives (SF Gate, August 27th)
After years of touting online connectivity as the next big thing for the video-game industry, the world's largest console makers are poised to do battle in cyberspace this fall over the lucrative consumer entertainment market. The battle, though, won't be without its casualties, as this Forbes.com piece suggests [link expired].

Looking for a Home (Upside Today, August 27th)
Following the rollout of an electronic database, millions of patent- and trademark-related documents dating back to 1790 are at risk of being destroyed if the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) cannot find an organization to take them.

Former Motorola Engineers Develop Secure, Reliable Web Server (NewsFactor, August 26th)
If computers that cannot be hacked revolutionize the Internet next year, you can thank two guys named Eric who brought their experience in electrical engineering to the world of web servers; creating a server that can deliver web content by relying only on a 4K operations 'kernel' rather than a full-blown operating system.

High Tech's Future Is in the Toy Chest (BW Online, August 26th)
Toymakers are pushing the boundaries in artificial intelligence, wireless communications, and virtual reality. And the benefits are flowing to other industries as well.

Firefighters Go Wireless, via Motorola (internet.com, August 26th)
On the eve of the first anniversary of the tragedy of September 11, Motorola has lifted the wraps off a wireless communication system for firefighters in distress.

DOD May Pull Key Net From the Internet (FCW.com, August 26th)
In an effort to secure one of its most widely used Internet networks, the Defense Department is considering constructing something more akin to an intranet.

What Are the Real Risks of Cyberterrorism? (MSNBC, August 26th)
In 1998, a 12-year-old hacker broke into the computer system that controlled the floodgates of the Theodore Roosevelt Dam in Arizona, according to a June Washington Post report. If the gates had been opened, the article added, walls of water could have flooded the cities of Tempe and Mesa, whose populations total nearly 1 million. There was just one problem with the account: It wasn't true.

Bush Security Plan Would Target E-Mail (internet.com, August 23rd)
According to an unreleased draft plan prepared by the Bush administration, the president favors creating a centralized source for collecting and reviewing e-mail and data relating to cyber security.

We're Living In a Matrix... Possibly (vnunet.com, August 23rd)
A Swedish philosopher at Yale University believes there is a one-in-four chance that we are living inside a computer - like the one in movie smash The Matrix.

Type with Your Eye (BBC News, August 22nd)
Eyetracking software which allows computer users to write without touching the keyboard has been developed by scientists at Cambridge University in the UK.

Web Addiction on the Rise (CyberAtlas, August 22nd)
With one in four employees believing they are addicted to the Internet, Websense leads the charge in alerting corporate America that all that friendly, time-consuming Web surfing can get out of control. More data concerning this report may be found at eMarketer [link expired].

Bracing for the Digital Crackdown (Wired News, August 22nd)
The government is preparing a national crackdown on file traders that would crush the rogue swapping networks in the same manner hackers were pushed underground 12 years ago.

AMD Hopes to Leapfrog Pentium (internet.com, August 21st)
AMD says the third anniversary of its Athlon CPU calls for a real jump in performance, so Intel's archrival has introduced 0.13-micron-process Athlon XP "Thoroughbred" processors with model-number performance ratings of 2400+ (2.0GHz) and 2600+ (2.133GHz), the latter striding past the current desktop champion 2.53GHz Pentium 4 as well as AMD's previously fastest Athlon XP 2200+ (1.8GHz).

Internet Access Under African Skies (eMarketer, August 21st)
Though less than 1% of Africa is online, there are over 500 internet service providers across the continent, and every country is wired.

Women Embrace Texting (CyberAtlas, August 21st)
Here's more evidence that SMS and wireless messaging is catching on in the U.S.: Almost 90% of 30 to 40 year old women say texting would help improve their business and personal communications.

Logging in on the Emerald Isle (eMarketer, August 21st)
Amárach reports that Ireland currently claims an internet penetration rate of 38% - will more users in 2002 increase the country's overall claim on e-commerce in Western Europe?

NanoMagnetics Turns to Protein to Help Disks Bulk Up (Nanotech Planet, August 21st)
By melding biological research with storage theory, NanoMagnetics has developed a storage system from ferritin protein cells that may serve to dramatically increase areal densities in next-generation hard drives.

New Salvo in Piracy, Privacy War (Wired News, August 21st)
The music industry's trade association is asking a federal district court to force an Internet service provider to turn over private information on a subscriber, heating up the legal war between technology and entertainment companies.

Privacy Fears Over EU Snooping Plans (BBC News, August 20th)
The records of who you contact via phone, web, fax or mobile could soon be stored for years under a proposal drafted by European governments.

Grid's Growth Projected To Soar (Grid Computing Planet, August 20th)
The market will be propelled by powerful desktops, falling broadband costs and a movement toward open standards.

Haiku'da Been a Spam Filter (Wired News, August 20th)
How's this for innovation? An anti-spam startup names Habeas hopes to work around the fact that little legislation exists to ban spam by tapping into a legal notion that is shared by many countries around the world - copyright. The company will allow mail senders to embed a hidden scrap of copyrighted poetry in e-mails, and use this to guarantee that any message containing the verse is spam free. Then, if spammers dare to hijack the haiku, they will be aggressively sued for copyright infringement.

Intel Developing the Chip with Two Brains (ZDNet, August 20th)
Like researchers at other companies, scientists at the chipmaking giant are experimenting with one of the dominant trends in microprocessor design: putting two chip cores, or "brains," into the same piece of silicon--an approach that promises to improve performance and reduce power consumption over the next decade. But Intel's people are pushing the basic concept into new directions that will, the company asserts, increase such benefits even further.

Dell Branches Into 'White Box' Market (internet.com, August 20th)
The PC manufacturer hopes to tap a new market and generate new revenue streams by entering into the market for unbranded PCs.

Starbucks: Your Wireless Computer Showcase? (internet.com, August 20th)
The mega-coffee chain will be announcing a new deal with Hewlett-Packard and T-Mobile tomorrow. This pact, building on relationships Starbucks already had in place, will likely expand not only T-Mobile's wireless foot print, but could also turn Starbucks into the largest cyber cafe chain ever, as HP/Compaq products will be provided for use by coffee drinking customers.

Internet2 To Link Telescopes for First Global Observatory (NewsFactor, August 20th)
Astronomers with an international partnership of observatories are leveraging Internet connectivity to join telescopes on different continents, creating the world's first global cyber observatory. The work being done by the Gemini Observatory – a National Science Foundation-supported effort that includes two 8-meter telescopes in Hawaii and Chile - will link astronomical resources for increased cooperation and more efficient and powerful probes of space.

SEC Stops Swapping Strategy (internet.com, August 20th)
The practice of selling bandwidth to other carriers, while buying an equivalent amount from that carrier for the same price, is a thing of the past - at least in terms of reporting it as revenue. The regulators said companies might be forced to restate its past financials as a result.

Flat-Panel Display Prices Set to Plummet (PC World, August 20th)
For PC users interested in a thin film transistor LCD to replace their bulky cathode ray tube monitor, now may be the right time to start thinking about an upgrade as prices on flat-panel screens are expected to fall in the months ahead.

Do Faster Chips Really Matter for Business? (NewsFactor, August 20th)
Chip makers are ensuring their chips address real-world business scenarios, rather than trying to fulfill pie-in-the-sky tech promises.

UK Drivers Face Mobile Phone Ban (ElectricNews.net, August 20th)
It was announced this week that the government of the United Kingdom is seeking consultation on the issue of banning mobile phones while driving to ascertain whether there should be any exceptions to the newly introduced law.

Vietnam Orders Internet Crackdown (vnunet.com, August 20th)
Vietnamese internet cafe owners who allow their customers to visit anti-government or pornographic websites could face stiff penalties.

Gateway Eyes a Bigger Slice of iMac Pie (CNET News.com, August 19th)
Gateway will renew its battle with Apple Computer for consumer business next week with a new PC built around a flat-panel monitor. Apple is hardly resting on its laurels, though. Rather, the company has embarked on its second-largest ad campaign ever in a bid to convert casual PC users to the simplicity and reliability offered by Mac systems.

Organic IT: A Taste of Things to Come (ZDNet, August 19th)
Enterprises could radically cut IT infrastructure costs by using cheap, redundant components which automatically share and manage a company's computing resources, according to one analyst.

Bluetooth Is Finally Ready to Bite (allNetDevices, August 19th)
After failing to live up to unrealistic expectations, Bluetooth appears ready to make its mark in the wireless networking world, according to a new study.

Digital Copying Rules May Change (The Nando Times, August 18th)
In a few years, Americans may not be able to copy a song off a CD, watch a recorded DVD at a friend's house, or store a copy of a television show for more than a day.

Laptops Take Inside Track (TechNews.com, August 18th)
Desktop computer sales remained flat in recent years, even dropping 4 percent over the last quarter, but laptop sales have boomed -- up 9 percent over that quarter, according to market researchers Gartner Dataquest. And laptop sales are expected to keep climbing in the coming years, growing twice as fast as desktops.

Internet Audience Still Growing After All (internet.com, August 16th)
Things slowed to a standstill in June, but revved back up again in July, with the U.S.-based net population growing 2.2% for the month. This puts July's audience 29% greater than that of July the year prior.

Seven Promising Trends for the Internet's Future (eMarketer, August 16th)
Steve Butler examines everything from advertising to access technologies in assessing long-term forecasts for the internet. There is good news out there, and eMarketer serves seven helpings.

ReplayTV User Lawsuit Can Proceed (internet.com, August 16th)
A federal court Friday said a lawsuit brought forward by ReplayTV owners will get its day in court. The suit by five ReplayTV owners including craigslist.org founder Craig Newmark, asserts they can zap commercials and swap recorded programs over the Internet without being sued for copyright infringement.

Wanted: Web-Savvy Schooling (Washington Post, August 15th)
If American teenagers had given their teachers a summer homework assignment, it may well have entailed some serious Web surfing time. Tech-savvy middle and high school students say they are increasingly frustrated with the way the Internet is - or, more aptly, isn't - being used in their education.

Can Optical Networking Outshine DSL and Cable? (NewsFactor, August 15th)
Because Fiber-to-the-Home provides telephone, Internet and television service, it is most appealing to new or underserved markets where inadequate communications services exist.

ActiveBuddy's Patent Win Riles IM Bot Developers (internet.com, August 15th)
New York-based ActiveBuddy has won a crucial patent covering instant messaging bot-making technology, but hobbyists and amateur developers aren't buying the company's claim that it invented the technology.

Energy Turns on Link to Internet2 (FCW.com, August 15th)
The Energy Department's Oak Ridge National Laboratory officially threw the switch Aug. 14 to connect part of the federal government's next-generation Internet initiative to the university-run Internet2.

Politicians Resist Electronic Evolution (BBC News, August 15th)
Fear of technology and tradition are preventing Britain's MPs from using e-mail to keep in touch with constituents. A survey has found that only 10% of politicians conduct a quarter or more of their correspondence via e-mail.

Any Zing Left in Iomega's Zip? (CNET News.com, August 15th)
The San Diego-based company, which introduced a faster, 750MB Zip drive Thursday, seems to think so. But analysts have their doubts about how much life is left in the speedy line of detachable drives.

E-mail a Treasure Trove for Cops (MSNBC, August 15th)
Not since the glory days of letter-writing, before the advent of the telephone, have people committed so much revealing stuff to written form as they do in the age of computers. All those e-mail messages and electronic files are a treasure trove of evidence for law enforcement officers, whether they are targeting terrorists, crooked CEOs or local drug dealers.

Young and Affluent Online in Japan (eMarketer, August 15th)
Prudential Financial reports that 26 million Japanese households have at least one computer and internet access, as of June 2002. This is up from 12.5 million 30 months prior.

Mock Cyberwar Fails to End Mock Civilization (The Register, August 14th)
A mock cyberwar enacted by faculty of the US Naval War College and analysts from Gartner does not appear to have fulfilled the Clancyesque predictions of mass devastation envisioned by the leading security paranoiacs of the Clinton and Bush Administrations.

Broadband Hope for Small Towns (BBC News, August 14th)
BT has come up with a way of supplying broadband to rural areas in the UK at a fraction of the usual cost. This is a strong step forward in reducing the tech accessibility gap that is currently affecting many parts of the world.

Broadband Future Is Bright (CyberAtlas, August 14th)
Could dialing up finally be phasing out? High-speed connections proliferate worldwide, with DSL taking a surprising lead over cable modems.

Free Space Optics: Can It Fill the Broadband Gaps? (eMarketer, August 14th)
Free space optics (FSO) is trying to connect areas not serviced by cable and DSL. eMarketer dispels the fog and gives a lowdown on the technology.

The Future of Microprocessors Revealed (NewsFactor, August 13th)
IBM will kick off the first day of the Microprocessor Forum by announcing its new 64-bit PowerPC chip, which will bring server-on-a-chip technology to entry-level servers and even desktop PCs.

Intel Makes Nano Leap (internet.com, August 13th)
Details emerge on new 'strained silicon' technology that boosts computing performance and reduce chip-making costs.

Digital is Lucrative Option for Music Industry (eMarketer, August 13th)
The music industry may want to embrace digital content - Forrester estimates that digital music revenues could rise to over $2 billion in the US by 2007.

Xbox Live to Launch Nov. 15 (internet.com, August 13th)
Microsoft plans to release its Xbox-dedicated, broadband-only online game service on Nov. 15 as part of its effort to capture a larger slice of the $9.3 billion video game market. The Sony camp, meanwhile, is set to unleash the PlayStation 2's online gaming capabilities late this month - giving the market leading console a sizeable head-start over Microsoft's battler.

DOD Preps Virtual Pentagons (FCW.com, August 12th)
The Defense Department has launched a program to create a virtual Pentagon that would provide backup networks and communications to avoid the loss of essential functions that the Pentagon experienced during the Sept. 11 terrorist attack.

Opening the Door for New Storage Options (PC World, August 12th)
A long-running legal battle that has significantly delayed the ability of many companies to produce next-generation optical disc players and recorders that employ blue laser technology has come to an end as Japan's Nichia and Toyoda Gosai announced they decided to reach a settlement.

Downing Street Slams 'BBC Hacking' Claims (vnunet.com, August 12th)
Downing Street has angrily denied claims that members of its staff hacked in to the BBC's computer network in a bid to influence news coverage following Labour's victory in the 1997 general election. More on the claims and concerns regarding the hacking of the venerable news service are presented in this BBC News piece.

A Perfect Marriage Between Bioscience And IT (internet.com, August 12th)
The bioscience industry is touted as the next goldmine for Asia, and IT companies could stand to benefit too.

Researchers Observe Electroluminescence from Individual Molecules (Nanotech Planet, August 12th)
The creation of the smallest light source could lead to new types of nanometer-scale optical interconnects and lithography.

Bigger 'Digital Closets' (ABC News, August 9th)
Researchers are experiementing with technologies that will create hard drives large enough to store hundreds of hours of compressed digital video.

Study: Wireless Hype Way Out of Whack (ZDNet News, August 9th)
The hype surrounding multi-media messaging services has been attacked by an analyst group, which claims that the worldwide market for those services will far less than current predictions. Further commentary on this report is present within this piece by El Reg. Further projections concerning the technology's usage in coming years are offered up by eMarketer in this report [link expired].

A Broad(band) Consensus (eMarketer, August 9th)
Parks Associates forecasts broadband households will nearly double between 2002 and 2004, on par with eMarketer estimates.

VIDISolutions Integrates Video and IM (internet.com, August 8th)
VIDISolutions is the latest company to integrate e-mail and instant messaging (IM) for enterprise users. An advanced version of the service, meantime, integrates voice recognition, text translation and audio-video streaming support.

FCC Considers Switch to Digital TV (ABC News, August 8th)
The lifelike images, crisp sound and other benefits of high definition TV is a dream delayed for most people even though the government is pressing industry to accelerate the transition to all-digital television.

The Password Is... Confusion (E-Commerce Times, August 8th)
One potential roadblock to portable password management is that the business and development communities have not yet agreed on technology standards to make passwords portable and secure. Some of the most innovative technologies in the field are emerging from the legendary Bell Labs, who recently announced the release of two new tools aimed at making passwords easier to use, and harder to breach.

Smile, You're on In-Store Camera (Wired News, August 8th)
Johnny Q. Consumer walks into a national chain store, picks up diapers, pays in cash. He does not walk alone. One store camera captures his face, while another network of cameras traces his stroll through the aisles. The pressure-sensitive floor panels note how he lingers and nervously shifts his feet while browsing in the diaper section. All feed this data back to central databanks that collate this data in an attempt to analyse a store's usership and to assist in optimizing marketing efforts. You scared yet?

21st Century Technology Wars: Apple Vs. Microsoft (NewsFactor, August 8th)
Who will rule the tech universe? Will it be Microsoft's Bill Gates and his .NET strategy, which aims to turn the PC into the nerve center of every home, with tendrils snaking out to encompass everything from Web services to music and digital video? Or will it be Apple's Steve Jobs and his digital hub strategy, which seeks to position the Mac at the center of consumer digital devices, like cameras, scanners and MP3 players?

Consumers Want TV-Based Messaging (Instant Messaging Planet, August 7th)
According to a recent study, the at-home crowd would be willing to fork over a Lincoln and change every month for an interactive TV package that includes messaging.

TiVo Might Rue Arrival of DTV (Wired News, August 7th)
Broadcasters are scheduled to begin delivering digital TV signals in 2006, giving consumers better picture and sound quality in their homes. However, Hollywood is threatening to withhold its movies unless cable companies are given the right to prohibit taping of shows. Since the new signals will deliver perfect copies to the home, the entertainment companies want to protect their content.

Quantum Computer Called Possible with Today's Tech (EE Times, August 7th)
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin in Madison claim to have created the world's first successful simulation of a quantum-computer architecture that uses existing silicon fabrication techniques.

Flash Without Draining Your Battery (internet.com, August 7th)
AMD releases latest low power consumption flash memory.

Bitstream Intros Pocket PC Browser (internet.com, August 7th)
Bitstream has released a new browser for companies and organizations with mobile workforces. The offering, ThunderHawk Server Edition, can be installed by IT department onto networks and allows users to access Internet and intranet pages through their handheld computers.

McAfee Hops Aboard Morpheus, Blubster (internet.com, August 7th)
Looking for new distribution channels for its consumer line of anti-virus software, McAfee.com has inked deals to find customers among users of Morpheus and Blubster peer-to-peer networks.

Sony Develops New Copyright Protection Technology (ITworld.com, August 7th)
Sony Corp. has unveiled digital rights management (DRM) technology that can protect content for use on various types of devices and allows usage conditions for content to be controlled by the distributor.

The US Passes Europe on the Road to 3G (eMarketer, August 7th)
Two roads diverged in a wireless wood, and Europe took the road less traveled by. The US, on the other hand, took the path of Japan and South Korea, and eMarketer's Ben Macklin tells Europe this with a sigh.

Bootleg Movies (ABC News, August 6th)
Who should police online illegal file sharing of movies? If the Motion Picture Association of America, (MPAA) has its way, it'll be job of Internet service providers (ISPs).

College Seeks Security in Thumbs (Wired News, August 6th)
It's down with passwords and up with thumbs (biometic scans of, that is) for a school in Iowa trying to keep its data safe.

DOD, Army Testing Biometrics (FCW.com, August 6th)
The Defense Department's Biometrics Management Office (BMO) and the Army's Communications-Electronics Command (Cecom) are partnering to test the integration of fingerprint technology into the Army's tactical Network Operations Center-Vehicle.

Signed, Sealed, Delivered... (internet.com, August 6th)
The U.S. Postal Service has signed an agreement with a subsidiary of Schenectady, N.Y.-based AuthentiDate Holding Corp. to provide the USPS Electronic Postmark (EPM) service.

White House Computer Export Policy Criticized (USA Today, August 6th)
The White House should have conducted a more thorough review before allowing U.S. technology firms to sell high-speed computers to Russia, China, India and countries in the Middle East, according to a congressional report released Monday.

If DTV's Busted, So Is the Budget (Wired News, August 6th)
Faced with a potential budget-busting loss of $18 billion, Rep. Billy Tauzin (D-Louisiana) has ordered the warring parties responsible for digital television to just get along.

New Supercomputer To Simulate Internet Apps (NewsFactor, August 6th)
Researchers at Rice University are anxious to put a new supercomputer to work on a range of complex research tasks, including developing software for other supercomputers and grids.

Waiting For 3G (internet.com, August 5th)
Sprint PCS will soon introduce the first nationwide third-generation wireless network in the United States, but can 3G live up to its billing?

Hearing is Believing (Newsweek, August 5th)
Woody Norris wants to tell you something - and he can put the words inside your head from 100 yards away. Is his invention sound, or just a pipe dream?

Listen.com Wants To Network Your Music (E-Commerce Guide, August 5th)
Getting your home stereo and other PCs to play streaming and downloaded audio has always been driving factor behind mainstream home networking. A deal with NetGear brings that desire closer to reality.

NASA Tech Chief Defines New Mission (FCW.com, August 5th)
NASA's acting chief information officer plans a dramatic overhaul of the space agency's computer architecture that will create a single agencywide system that is highly secure, tightly controlled and far more responsive than the multiple systems the agency uses today.

Linux Market Shrank in 2001, Survey Says (internet.com, August 5th)
Despite the clamor of the past two years that open-source operating systems would revolutionize the world, Linux operating environment revenue declined by almost 5 percent in 2001. This marks the first year of contraction for the newbie OS.

Microsoft To Publish Windows APIs (internet.com, August 5th)
Microsoft announced Monday it would disclose a variety of Windows technical information that would bring it in line with the settlement it reached with the Department of Justice last fall.

It's Not Easy Being a Green PC (CNET News.com, August 4th)
Japanese PC maker NEC plans to introduce an environmentally friendly desktop computer to the U.S. market.

Instant Messaging as an E-Business Application (eMarketer, August 3rd)
This year, workplace IM use will grow nearly seven times faster than consumer use, according to Giga Information Group. eMarketer examines what IM means for business.

The High Spark of Low Power (internet.com, August 2nd)
In February, the Federal Communications Commission authorized the commercial deployment of a new wireless technology that can transmit data, voice and video over short distances with more flexibility than other radio frequencies. Known as ultra wideband (UWB), the FCC said the technology holds "great promise for a vast array of new applications."

IBM to Double Capacity of Computing Clusters (internet.com, August 2nd)
IBM Friday introduced an expanded version of its eServer UNIX cluster, which doubles the capacity of its predecessor, scaling up to 32 fully configured POWER4 processor-based eServer p690 systems.

Taming 'Occupational Spam' (ABC News, August 2nd)
What important — and not so important — messages are hiding in your overflowing e-mail inbox? A new software program might help sort it all out for you.

SEC to Wall Street: Don't Delete That E-Mail (internet.com, August 2nd)
Seeing the act of deleting business emails as congruent with the shredded destruction of paper-based documents, regulators look to fine six investment firms a total of $10 million for failing to keep old emails.

Grid Services Gains Momentum (Grid Computing Planet, August 2nd)
Open Grid Services Architecture, the Globus-IBM vision for the convergence of Web services and Grid computing, gained momentum at Global Grid Forum 5 in Edinburgh last week.

Phone, Camera Combo Sales Developing (CyberAtlas, August 2nd)
Smile and say, 'hello' -- here comes the camera phone. Predictions for worldwide sales approach 147 million by 2007 and should boost a sagging handset market.

Wi-Fi with a European Accent (80211 Planet, August 1st)
802.11b may be popular every where, but the 11a standard almost didn't make it in Europe when NATO feared the new wireless technology would interfere with military satellites and radar broadcasts using the same spectrum.

PC, Mac OS Updates May Spark Bluetooth (InfoWorld.com, August 1st)
Bluetooth is set to get easier to use with PCs this year as Microsoft and Apple Computer both integrate the short-range wireless technology into their client operating systems and vendors unveil a variety of new devices.


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