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(August 2002)

T-Online Gets Into the Black (The Register, August 30th)
German ISP and portal leader T-Online reported a profit in the last quarter - three months ahead of schedule.

HP Ties IBM in Server War (internet.com, August 30th)
The worldwide server market may be flat for the rest of the year, but IDC's latest stats suggest HP may already be reaping dividends from its $19 billion merger with Compaq as the group shapes up to challenge Big Blue.

E-Commerce: It's All About the Experience (BW Online, August 29th)
A technically proficient Web site is just half the battle. Without quality service - and an enjoyable process - customers won't return.

E-Tailers Give Themselves Poor Score (CyberAtlas, August 29th)
The industry may turn out to be its worst critic as a survey of 273 online retail executives revealed overall dissatisfaction with e-tailing. When ForeSee Results asked the American e-tailers to rate their overall satisfaction with online shopping on a 100-point scale, the score barely broke the halfway mark at 58.

Netscape Tries Again With 7.0 (internet.com, August 29th)
Netscape Communications, not yet ready to throw in the towel in the dwindling browser wars, unveiled the Netscape 7.0 browser Thursday. The release ties in closely with AOL TW's suite of web brands, and could receive a much-needed booster shot once (if?) AOL decides to transition its subscribers to the browser and away from Microsoft's Internet Explorer, which presently commands a massive 96% market share.

FlashCom: Uniting Messaging and Streaming Media in One Server (ServerWatch, August 29th)
Macromedia's recently released Flash Communication Server MX is a truly unique offering that blends Internet communications and streaming media into a timely and unusual server offering.

Holiday Forecasting Season Opens (internet.com, August 29th)
Well, it's official. The 2002 holiday forecasting season has begun, and it's not yet Labor Day. And among the first out of the prediction blocks is comScore Networks, which issued a forecast for online fourth quarter sales of $13.8 billion, excluding travel products.

Shopfast.com.au -- Hanging In There (australia.internet.com, August 29th)
After operating for nearly four years in Australia, it's clear that online grocer ShopFast.com.au has avoided most of the pitfalls that pushed Webvan towards a demise as prompt as their delivery service. Nevertheless, after crunching the financials and considering the expected appeal of online shopping in the near term as it competes with in-grained behaviours, the firm is bound to face a rocky future.

Meet Mr. Anti-Google (Salon.com, August 29th)
A crusading webmaster says the popular search engine's page-ranking algorithm is "undemocratic."

Bill Could Expose Internet Privacy Practices (internet.com, August 29th)
A bill being passed around the California State Assembly could force companies to show their hand when it comes to collecting personal information.

New Active-X Vulnerability Discovered (internet.com, August 29th)
Microsoft Thursday said that a new flaw discovered in Windows could allow a hacker to conduct a denial of service attack on your computer.

Music Search Portal Could Solve Those Copyright Blues (E-Commerce Guide, August 29th)
Planning an online promo campaign and itching to use some popular theme music? A new service offers a single source for accessing, auditioning and licensing music of all types.

Why Xbox Linux Founder Left the Project (The Register, August 29th)
The founder of the high-profile Xbox Linux Project has left the group over concerns about the direction of the project and disagreements with the anonymous donor who's contributed $200,000 to port Linux to the Microsoft gaming device.

The Reinvention of E-Commerce (E-Commerce Times, August 29th)
Often, design teams and outside experts know what to do but are ordered to do the wrong thing by people who sign the checks, Forrester analyst Harley Manning has remarked.

Why Search Engines Fail (SearchDay, August 29th)
Two major research studies stress-tested web site search engines around the world, analyzing search failures and offering important insights for dramatically improving search usability.

Remote Administration of Linux Systems (Linux Planet, August 28th)
When it comes to administering a remote machine, all you need are the right tools, a little paranoia, and some time, as Alexander Prohorenko details in this tutorial.

Free Internet: Get What You Pay For? (E-Commerce Times, August 28th)
Many free services have fallen by the wayside because the companies running them could not adapt their business models quickly enough to the changing economic environment.

What Is '.NET' Anyway? (ZDNet Australia, August 28th)
Are you little confused about what .NET really is? You're not the only one. This article from Builder.com sheds some light on what .NET is and isn't.

E-wallets Get a Boost from Amazon (CNET News.com, August 28th)
A little-noticed detail of Amazon.com's recent deal with Target may revive an e-commerce feature once given up for dead - but now contended hotly by players including Microsoft (Passport) and a group lead by AOL (The Liberty Alliance). That feature is the humble online wallet, and the results of the battle that is about to ensue will undoubtedly have lasting repurcussions for web-based e-commerce. Meanwhile, the Liberty Alliance has announced significant increases to its corporate membership, as documented within this Internet.com article [link expired].

Hustlers, Upstarts, and Top Guns: The Tempo Dimension (ClickZ, August 28th)
Speed, agility, and rapid reactive/analytic cycles can win wars, chess games... and customers. Combine information and speed -- and wait for the competition to blink to score a competitive advantage.

Intrusion Detection Systems: SecureWorks (ISP Planet, August 28th)
SecureWorks offers a managed intrusion prevention service that's priced to give mid-sized businesses a depth of security that they couldn't otherwise afford.

A New World of Internet Fees (E-Commerce Times, August 27th)
A few years ago, much content and many services could be had for free, even though the companies providing those services were not posting profits. But then the bills arrived, online advertising revenue dropped, and the free-content providers had to tighten their belts and look for other ways to make money.

IBM Adds Multimedia Tools To AlphaWorks Site (CRN, August 27th)
IBM has added new multimedia development tools to its alphaWorks site, several of which focus on using Java and XML for building multimedia applications for the Web.

Minimizing 404 Not Found Errors (E-Commerce Guide, August 27th)
Open publishing author, Marsha Glassner explains how to rid your site of 404 pages. These errors not only annoy us as Webmasters, but also risk driving valuable traffic away.

AMD Continues Push into Server Chip Market (internet.com, August 27th)
Its new chip may attract glances of interest, but AMD may have to wait until Opteron to make its real push into server chip market.

Grid Application Standard Could Be Unveiled Soon (Grid Computing Planet, August 27th)
An important standard that will help applications work with distributed systems could be ready in draft form by Global Grid Forum 6 in Chicago in October.

AOL: New Execs, Same Old Problems (BW Online, August 27th)
They must shift subscribers to broadband, fend off Microsoft, and cope with declining ad revenues -- and do it all as federal probes widen.

Make Money in Interactive: Seven Tactics (ClickZ, August 26th)
This article presents a series of notions to consider when pricing an interactive development project to ensure that you aren't stung by old-world concepts that don't hold true in a digital world.

Kings of Repeat E-Business (E-Commerce Times, August 26th)
Companies that offer highly personalized services, incentive-based programs and multichannel options are proving that first-time buyers can be converted to frequent purchasers.

SmartBargains Rings Up $9M, Eyes Profitability (E-Commerce Guide, August 26th)
DNKY discounts. Panasonic price breaks. Sony savings. Everyone loves a bargain. That (and pacts with AOL and MSN) is the reason behind the Boston online retailer's success in a crowded market.

Group Promotes "Culture of Security" (CNET News.com, August 26th)
In time for the first anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has issued new guidelines for securing information systems and networks in anticipation of cyberterrorist attacks or intrusions.

How XML Is Conquering the Internet (NewsFactor, August 26th)
A markup language similar to HTML (hypertext markup language), XML was designed specifically for Web documents and allows the creation of customized tags for storing, transmitting and interpretating data between different applications and different companies. Not only is XML central to web services, including Microsoft's .NET initiative, but is now evolving into a higher-intelligence computer language that deals with data at an even finer level.

Behind the Scenes with NBA.com (WDVL, August 26th)
On game nights, pages are in constant change, and updates seemingly are instantaneous. How do they do that? WDVL.com takes a behind-the-scenes look at one of the most dynamic websites on the Internet.

Keeping Those Portals Open (internet.com, August 26th)
Americans need a place to go online, and most go to one of three places, according to a recent survey by research firm IDC Monday. According to the survey, 84 percent of U.S. online households go to either AOL, MSN or Yahoo! to check out the latest news, chat with friends or read their e-mails. But getting more out of those customers, and providing services considered essential (i.e., getting customers to pay), is the real trick for these portal providers going forward.

VeriSign: Give Us Your DNS (internet.com, August 26th)
Looking to keep its dominance as a domain registrar, VeriSign Monday took the wraps of a series of services it hopes will satisfy even the most finicky systems administrator. The Mountain View, Calif.-based said its Managed DNS Services suite has expanded to include complete outsourcing, in-house control and a combo package that lets the domain administrator roll their own.

Masters Of Their Domains? (internet.com, August 26th)
With the dot-com bubble well-and-truly burst and domain ownership declining precipitously as a result, registrars look to adapt and thrive in a more subdued market for Internet addresses.

Privacy Deal Over Net Names (BBC News, August 26th)
The overseers of the .uk net domain are delaying changes to the list of who owns which site to head off worries over privacy.

Wireless Banking: More Promise Than Profits (eMarketer, August 26th)
If you build it, they don't always come. US financial institutions are scrapping wireless banking programs after consumers hardly showed any interest.

Network Security Risks Of Mergers Too Often Ignored (Datamation, August 26th)
Corporate acquisitions and mergers, while good for the bottom line, often end up being a security nightmare. Here are some tips on integrating systems securely.

Beyond HTML Goodies (WDVL, August 23rd)
Go beyond the basics and learn how the pros add and use dynamic HTML features and advanced JavaScript techniques.

They Keep Growing ... and Growing (internet.com, August 23rd)
There's lots of competition and not everyone has figured out how to make retail work online, but e-commerce, like a certain bunny, just keeps going and going - to the tune of more than $10 billion in U.S. sales for the second quarter according to the U.S. Department of Commerce.

New Flaws Discovered on IE, Office (internet.com, August 23rd)
Six new vulnerabilities, the most serious of which could enable an attacker to execute commands on a user's system, have been discovered in Internet Explorer, Microsoft's market-leading web browser.

ISOC Defends .Org Nod (internet.com, August 23rd)
The Internet Society (ISOC) Thursday fired back at charges that it wasn't qualified to take over the .org domain registry, after an interim evaluation by a team of experts from the Internet Corp. for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) placed it at the top of a heap of bidders Tuesday.

Smoking Out Online Buyers (ClickZ, August 23rd)
Give customers a reason to buy online and they will. Is the reason you're providing compelling enough to encourage someone to hand over their credit card details?

Strike Poses as Real Curveball for MLB.com (internet.com, August 23rd)
During the last players strike, the league didn't have to worry about their web exposure. But this time around, a baseball strike could very likely put the promised MLB.com cash cow out to pasture.

Book Review: The Brand's the Thing (ChannelSeven.com, August 23rd)
How do you build a brand online? In this ambitious book, Dierdre Breakenridge takes as her task not only the definition and study of online brands, but also every form of online communication touching on a brand.

Case Study: BarnesandNoble.com (E-Commerce Guide, August 22nd)
Having to satisfy tens of thousands of customers daily, the mega-bookseller had quite the challenge when it decided to link its online store and brick-and-mortar outlets into one smoothly functioning shopping experience. Here's how they made it work.

Your Web Site As a Narrative Device (ClickZ, August 22nd)
Stories are memorable; they increase interest and understanding and leave deep impressions. Here's how to make your Web site tell a story.

Technical Degrees Still Command Highest Salaries (IT Career Source, August 22nd)
Despite the technology sector being hit hard by the weakened economy, a new survey suggests that if money is the motive, college students should still persue technical degrees.

Cybercrime No Bar to Shopping Frenzy (E-Commerce Times, August 22nd)
Despite occasional but high-profile security breaches, shoppers have not been turned off by the Web experience. Experts say the chances of being financially victimized online are low because of built-in consumer protection and heightened security awareness. However, analysts' consensus is that e-businesses still need to be concerned about a general sense of skittishness among online shoppers.

Secret Service Veteran: Corporations Lax About 'Inside' Security (Datamation, August 22nd)
A former U.S. Secret Service agent, experienced in risk assessment and high-tech crime, says companies are doing a poor job of securing themselves from the inside out.

ASPs Thrive As On-line Conferencing Takes Off (ASPnews.com, August 22nd)
Some software was born to be hosted. And no category of applications fits that description better than Web-based conferencing and collaboration.

Why Good Sites Lack Search Engines (SearchDay, August 22nd)
A new survey attempts to explain the inexplicable: why some perfectly good web sites fail to provide a search engine to aid user navigation.

Reported DDoS Attacks Double (vnunet.com, August 22nd)
The number of high-profile distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks reported in the first seven months of 2002 has reached more than double the total number publicised through the whole of last year.

The Seven Deadly Security Sins (NewsFactor, August 22nd)
When it comes to computer break-ins and breaches, there are plenty of ways to place blame, but some security missteps are more common than others - and most of them fall into the category of often-overlooked basics.

GFI Email Security Zone (SWYNK.com, August 22nd)
Here, the Swynk crew take a look at the GFI Email Security Zone, a free site that offers ten tests to help determine if your e-mail system is secure against current and future e-mail threats.

The ByteBuffer Class in Java (Gamelan, August 21st)
Richard Baldwin explains the ByteBuffer class, which is fundamental to many of the new features in Java version 1.4.0.

Google is the Greatest? (eMarketer, August 21st)
Though the 2002 ForeSee Results/University of Michigan Customer Index awarded Google with a score of 80 out of 100, Nielsen//NetRatings determined in July the search engine claimed only about 14% of total unique search traffic.

AOL Gains Cable Assets in TWE Deal (internet.com, August 21st)
After years of wrangling with AT&T over how to extract it from the Time Warner Entertainment division, AOL Time Warner gets control of content assets and a chance to boost its high-speed access numbers by about 10 million.

Morpheus 2.0 Takes E-Commerce Plunge (internet.com, August 21st)
The latest version of the P2P network includes an e-commerce portal and an online ticketing service.

Kiss Your BIND Good-bye: In-Depth Configuration with Tinydns (CrossNodes, August 21st)
Tinydns is a scalable and secure BIND replacement for everything from home user DNS cacheing to large-scale enterprise networks. In part 2 of EarthWeb's look at Tinydns, Carla Schroder goes in-depth on configuration.

Aussies Dump Microsoft for Linux (vnunet.com, August 20th)
Microsoft is experiencing a backlash in the outback as Australian corporates start switching to Linux software for critical applications.

News Sites Beat Search Engines in Customer Satisfaction (SearchDay, August 20th)
A report finds that users are happier in general with news and information sites than search engines or portals.

Filtering Spam with Blocklists (Datamation, August 20th)
Should your business jump on the blocklist bandwagon to cope with the barrage of unwanted email?

E-Commerce Continues to Post Gains (CyberAtlas, August 19th)
comScore Media Metrix has reported that e-commerce revenues posted a 26 per cent gain in July 2002 compared with the same period last year. This brought the total dollar-value of online business-to-consumer sales (auctions excluded) to $6 billion for the month.

Vodafone, Vivendi in Talks on Vizzavi Portal (internet.com, August 19th)
European wireless operator Vodafone Group PLC may buy out struggling media giant Vivendi Universal's stake in their joint-venture portal Vizzavi and phase it out, according to a report in today's Wall Street Journal. The property was supposed to have served as a multi-purpose portal to serve the users of wireless devices, PCs and iTV units, but failed to establish a foothold on the market.

Creating E-Tail Sales from Thin Air (E-Commerce Times, August 19th)
Companies that initially set up an e-commerce initiative as a separate company have seen the error of their ways and have restructured to promote integration.

IBM Links with Borland to Attract Developers (internet.com, August 19th)
Big Blue signs a distribution and marketing deal to bring together DB2 with development tools.

NTT Says Verio Restructuring on Track (SiliconValley.com, August 19th)
A job-cutting restructuring plan at Verio Inc, the U.S. web hosting unit of Japan's Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp (NTT), is on schedule despite a tough U.S. market and uncertain industry outlook, NTT said on Monday.

E-Mail Format: Which Way to Go? (eMarketer, August 19th)
Consumers' preferences and marketers' actions are at odds. Since consumers can't be forced into changing their minds, here is what marketers should do.

Study: Some Big Brands Get Domain Name Marketing (internet.com, August 19th)
A handful of major brands are proving to be adept in protecting their brand names from cybersquatters and ensuring consumers know where to find them online, finds a VeriSign study.

Shorten Those Links! (SearchDay, August 19th)
Long, complicated URLs are both hard to type and can get mangled by email programs. These services take long URLs and create short versions pointing to the same page - for free.

Windows Hack Attacks On the Rise (vnunet.com, August 16th)
Just when it looked like hack attacks on Microsoft systems might be falling, new figures have been published showing the number of successfully compromised Windows boxes is actually on the rise at an alarming rate.

The Trouble with Software Patches (NewsFactor, August 16th)
Despite the lessons taught by nasty viruses like Code Red and Nimda, experts say software patching continues to lag far behind discovered vulnerabilities. Analysts typically blame the lag on the sheer number of patches, which are issued with increasing frequency.

Microsoft Swings Axe at Linux Funding (vnunet.com, August 16th)
Despite its apparent new found love of Linux, Microsoft has joined a lobbying effort aimed at cutting government support for open source software. More on this is presented within this BBC News article.

Genuity Pulls Plug on European Web Hosting Arm (The Register, August 16th)
Ailing network services and hosting firm Genuity Inc has pulled the plug on its European web hosting business Integra SA after securing a new 30-day lifeline with its banks.

Sleuths Invade Military PCs With Ease (Washington Post, August 16th)
Security consultants entered scores of confidential military and government computers without approval this summer, exposing vulnerabilities that specialists say open the networks to electronic attacks and spying.

Ailing Silicon Valley Searches Its Soul (NewsFactor, August 16th)
As the doldrums continue, the valley's can-do identity is shaken. Business delegations that once came from countries all over the world no longer come knocking.

Cyberterrorism Concerns IT Pros (CyberAtlas, August 16th)
Despite improvements in detection and prevention procedures, roughly half of the IT community fears an attack on the U.S. government's technological infrastructure.

Flaw Found in Popular Unix, Linux GUI (eSecurity Planet, August 15th)
A buffer overflow vulnerability found in the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) could enable attackers to execute code or cause a denial of service.

HyperCard Forgotten, but Not Gone (Wired News, August 14th)
One of the greatest pieces of development software Apple ever produced is slowly dying because the company can't figure out how to sell it or whom to sell it to.

6WIND Router Integrates IPv4 With IPv6 (ISP Planet, August 14th)
Moving from IPv4 to IPv6 is not easy. The larger addressing system requires a new set of technical skills, but in addition to that, many of the tools needed for a smooth transition have not been available. 6WIND, a company based in France that specializes in IPv4-to-IPv6 migration tools, has made that transition a bit easier with a new router.

New Twist In Sex.com Saga (vnunet.com, August 14th)
In the latest twist in the soap opera that is the Sex.com domain name lawsuit, the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is trying to ascertain whether registrar VeriSign can be held responsible for the fraudulent transfer of the Sex.com domain.

Happy Birthday, Lycos! (SearchDay, August 14th)
Eight years ago today Lycos opened its virtual doors to the public, offering a slew of novel features that forever transformed the Web search landscape.

Buyers Discuss Marketing Online Versus In-Person (eMarketer, August 14th)
The July 2002 Industrial Purchasing Barometer from Thomas Register finds that 32% of buyers say direct sales have had the best influence on ROI, compared to just 15% saying the same about the net.

Latest IE Flaw an E-Commerce Threat? (internet.com, August 13th)
Another in a long string of loopholes is reported in the browser, this one allowing hackers to spoof a site and obtain personal data from consumers. The Register has published further information concerning the threat posed by this glitch, that also serves to counter some of the 'assurances' provided by Microsoft in their recent press release concerning the issue. Read this for more.

The Media Titans Still Don't Get It (Salon.com, August 13th)
Corporate America lost billions on the Net. That doesn't mean the medium has no value - but the moguls remain clueless about where it lies.

Red Hat Looks to Blend Java With Linux (internet.com, August 13th)
Red Hat, the leading seller of Linux distributions, has partnered with BEA Systems, the supplier of the leading application server on the market, to add a Java Virtual Machine to the enterprise-version of its open-source operating system.

Own-Branded Browser for ISPs (ISP Planet, August 13th)
UltraBrowser.com, a company that specializes in private labeled browsers, released its UBvision 7.0 browser through a wizard on the company's website.

Russia Becoming IT Powerhouse (Datamation, August 13th)
Will Russia dethrone India as the king of the offshore software development industry?

Credit Fraudsters Hurt Global Gossip (australia.internet.com, August 13th)
Credit card fraud brings the Internet cafe chain to its knees. Founder says the company to return from voluntary administration in 3 weeks.

Leading by Example (E-Commerce Guide, August 13th)
Will the Mac OS X be the first OS for both home and business that can claim proven security?

DEF CON Jam (80211Planet, August 13th)
Your wireless LAN may be far less prepared for a hacker attack than you think.

Reading and Writing Text Files with VB.NET (ZDNet Australia, August 13th)
Reading and writing text files is an essential task in any programming language. Follow this step-by-step approach to working with text files in VB .NET.

IBM Renews Offensive on Sun (internet.com, August 12th)
At LinuxWorld, Big Blue unveils a three-part plan to get customers to switch from Sun Solaris to IBM Linux systems.

The Technology Behind Google (SearchDay, August 12th)
Take a guided tour behind the scenes of search engine Google with the company's Chief Operations Engineer, Jim Reese.

PGP Flaw Leaves E-mails Vulnerable (internet.com, August 12th)
Security researchers have unearthed a flaw within the popular PGP encryption tool that could allow snoopers to decode sensitive e-mails. Though unrelated to the security glitch, it may be of interest to some to see that Network Associates has finally found a buyer for its wireless and desktop variants of the PGP product line, selling the technology to startup PGP Corp.

Experiences in Writing XML Documents (Developer.com, August 12th)
Confused by which path to take when building an XML interface? This article compares the characteristics of the three most popular.

Amazon Unveils Next Phase in Target Deal (E-Commerce Times, August 12th)
Amazon rolled out the next phase of its five-year partnership with retailer Target. The companies have launched an integrated site that offers merchandise from Target, Amazon, Marshall Field's and Mervyns.

LDAP 101: Glue Your Network's Pieces Together (CrossNodes, August 12th)
This little-known protocol is gluing networks together with fast, flexible directory services and single sign-on.

Flash Flooded by Security Flaws (ZDNet, August 12th)
Macromedia has warned that its Flash Player, a ubiquitous application for playing multimedia files, has a vulnerability that could allow attackers to run malicious code on Windows and Unix-based operating systems.

E-Tail's New Comeback Kids (E-Commerce Times, August 9th)
They were among the e-commerce sectors given up for dead. But like others before them - such as online grocery and clothing sales - they have endured in the face of all adversity and have even begun to show signs of turnaround.

Meeting the Needs of Business Customers Online (eMarketer, August 9th)
Few business-to-business websites accommodate online transactions, yet clients tend to want the option of purchasing at their leisure or phoning customer support.

Linux Begins Its Descent Into the Enterprise (internet.com, August 9th)
Hardware and software vendors hope next week's LinuxWorld Expo will illustrate the open-source environment can do the heavy lifting within the enterprise.

Gay and Lesbian Consumers Value Company Commitment (CyberAtlas, August 9th)
This highly loyal demographic prefers patronizing companies that have proven their support for the community, research from Witeck-Combs Communications and Harris Interactive finds.

Needs-Based Browsing (ClickZ, August 8th)
Adapting a site's architecture so as to adhere to a logical flow process is essential in keeping visitors happy. As web audiences have matured, they have become less willing to embark on a random surf through a site in an effort to find the information or product that initiated their journey. Designers must ensure that the navigation task is made all the easier.

Don't Get Googled by Hackers! (internet.com, August 8th)
The popular search engine allegedly housed a flaw in its toolbar that hackers could use to execute multiple tasks; Google responds promptly with a fix.

Microsoft Finds Content Management Server Holes (InfoWorld.com, August 8th)
Microsoft has released a patch for three vulnerabilities, one of which is "critical," in its Content Management Server 2001 product for building and maintaining Web sites.

Trellix Adds Blogging to Its Web Tools (CNET News.com, August 8th)
Trellix, which sells software designed to simplify Web site development, is expected to announce Thursday that its tools now support the creation of Web logs, commonly known as "blogs."

eBay: A Lesson For Start-ups (CNN Money, August 8th)
Few would question that the online auction enterprise eBay has become one of the most important companies on the Internet. A new book traces the auctioneer's success to its ethos and philosophy as a startup.

Microsoft Cuts Passport Deal With FTC (internet.com, August 8th)
The software giant agrees to two decades of independent security audits to settle FTC charges that it misled consumers about Passport security levels.

Book Review: Power to the Portals (E-Commerce Guide, August 8th)
Chronicling the tales of several great organizations that have fully embraced the power of technology, A Thousand Tribes examines how companies united their disparate employees, and their functions, by creating a portal.

Storage Basics: Comparing NAS and SAN (ISP-Planet, August 8th)
This week, we compare Network Attached Storage (NAS) and Storage Area Networks (SAN), two storage technologies that are far from similar, despite the confusing similarity of their acronyms.

Where Do Tech VCs Stand Now? (E-Commerce Times, August 7th)
Many venture capitalists have seen millions of dollars of well-intentioned funding vanish, but they have not given up on the tech economy - even though they are in much less of a hurry to invest in technology startups.

OASIS, W3C to Helm Web Services Security Forum (internet.com, August 7th)
Recognizing the concern the high-tech industry has for security in the Web services arena, the two standards groups will lead discussions about the topic.

VeriSign Settles Domain Slamming Case (internet.com, August 7th)
BulkRegister, one of several registrars which sued VeriSign for 'domain slamming,' will reimburse customers who mistakenly switched their accounts, bring them back onto BulkRegister's books and extend their registration term for free after reaching a settlement with Verisign.

Fragile Code (Developer.com, August 7th)
What is the Achilles heel of your software project? Learn how to recognize the signs of fragile code, deal with any you have found, and prevent this problem in the future.

Modern Distributed Filesystems For Linux: An Introduction (LinuxPlanet, August 7th)
Once known as networked filesystems, distributed filesystems are currently one of the best ways of storing your data across multiple machines on your network. Bill von Hagen offers an overview of the technology and explains what it can do for your organization.

Lash Macs to Your Network With Netatalk (CrossNodes, August 7th)
OS X will cure a lot of Apple's traditional interoperability woes, but adoption is still at less than 20%. Netatalk running under Linux or UNIX can cure some of the heartache and bring those Macs into the fold.

Profitable Niche Sites Splurge on Marketing (eMarketer, August 6th)
Niche e-tailers are spending the most on per-visitor marketing costs, yet they best larger sites in customer conversion.

The Rebirth of the Online Grocery (E-Commerce Times, August 6th)
The first wave of online grocery stores is all but gone, but one year after Webvan secured its title as the biggest dot-bomb ever, the online grocery segment is slowly reinventing itself. Brick-and-mortar supermarkets are cooking up some early success with hybrids of the original model.

NetRatings Eyes Europe With NetValue Buy (internet.com, August 6th)
Web measurement firm NetRatings continued its acquisition spree, reaching an agreement to purchase NetValue, a French Internet-measurement company, for about $17.7 million in cash and stock.

Consolidating Relational Databases (Datamation, August 6th)
Free up IT time, reduce unnecessary expenses and speed up standard reporting functions by using a single mission-critical relational database. Here, EarthWeb's crew show you how.

Cisco ISP Essentials (ISP-Planet, August 5th)
When system administrators need to troubleshoot networking issues, they usually turn to the Web for answers. Leave it to Cisco Systems to defy conventional wisdom and write a book that provides ISP operators with a practical, yet comprehensive guide to best common practices of software and router management.

E-Mail Encryption: Why Isn't Everyone Doing It? (NewsFactor, August 5th)
By some estimates, nearly one of every seven people on earth - over 900 million people - now has access to e-mail. And the vast majority have no sort of e-mail protection.

I Come to Bury IAmCarbonatedMilk.com, Not to Praise It (Salon.com, August 5th)
From BuyClamsOnline.com to BillRomanowskiSucks.com, a stroll through the graveyard of defunct domain names offers a melancholy vision of monumentally stupid hopes that were cruelly dashed. When "failing fast" is the name of the game in Silicon Valley, perhaps its unsurprising that so many ideas were floated during the early days of the dot-com goldrush.

Vivendi May Tell Scoot.com to Shoo (internet.com, August 5th)
Ailing media giant Vivendi Universal is preparing to jettison business search engine Scoot.com, according to the French financial newspaper Les Echos.

Windows XP: What's the Business Verdict? (NewsFactor, August 5th)
Companies that have gone XP are the kind that are comfortable with acquiring the newest, cutting-edge thing as soon as it comes on the market.

Case Study: Fireclick Fuels Faster Web Downloads (Datamation, August 5th)
When retailer Novica wanted to speed content delivery - and get real-time data on site traffic patterns - it turned to application service provider Fireclick and its Netflame service.

Premium Online Content That Works (eMarketer, August 3rd)
An online paid content report from the OPA and comScore Networks estimates that $675 million was spent on premium e-content in 2001. Sites like real.com and wsj.com claimed the top positions in terms of revenue.

Timeliness Prevents Unsiteliness (E-Commerce Guide, August 2nd)
Articles about holiday shopping that still appear on your pages in the middle of July or banners promoting your Valentine's Day specials in October are signs of e-neglect and can be interpreted as a red flag to your visitors.

The New Standard for Web Development: Free Software (EarthWeb, August 2nd)
For many companies building Web applications, using an open source application server like JBoss is rapidly becoming the standard practice.

iPlanet, Netscape Enterprise Servers at Risk (internet.com, August 2nd)
To guard against brute force attacks, users must disable Web Publisher and Directory Indexing on external servers.

W3C Reformulates XHTML 1.0 (internet.com, August 2nd)
The World Wide Web Consortium W3C continued in its crusade for helping Web language standards evolve this week with recommendation of a second version of XHTML 1.0.

Can Fun Still Sell E-Commerce? (E-Commerce Times, August 2nd)
While companies have begun to eschew bells and whistles in favor of more cost-effective strategies, there still might be room for fun in the e-commerce plan.

A Shift Registers in Willingness to Pay for Internet Content (NY Times, August 1st)
More Internet users are showing a willingness to pay for content online — subscribing to news sites, for example, or paying fees to send e-greeting cards — suggesting a shift in consumers' expectations that online services should be free, according to a survey of cyberspending patterns released yesterday.

Phase Two for E-Commerce (E-Commerce Times, August 1st)
"Retailers are no longer as scared of being 'Amazoned' as they were," Giga Information Group analyst Andrew Bartels said, noting that manufacturers are increasingly harnessing the original promise of the net and selling direct to consumers.

Study: Multi-channel Shoppers Actually Not So Hot (internet.com, August 1st)
Despite growing interest in building up bases of customers who research online and shop offline, such consumers might actually not be worth the effort.

Fast Loading Pages: A Fresh Look at Internet Speed (WebReference.com, August 1st)
Make your pages load quickly and keep them coming back for more.

Bills, Bills, E-Bills (ClickZ, August 1st)
Why not digitize one of the most fundamental avenues of communication between you and your customer?

Multisourcing: The Future of Hosting (ASPnews, August 1st)
Crafting a multisourcing ecosystem lets customers maintain control of their overall IT strategy and key applications, but offload less value-added tasks to vendors with particular expertise and cost economies.

Internet Registry Giants Want ICANN Heeled (TechNews.com, August 1st)
The operators of the world's five largest Internet domains today asked the U.S. Commerce Department to scale back the powers of the body that manages the Internet's global addressing system and to take away its core ".com" privileges.


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