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(May 2001)

Click2Net Opens London Sales Office

TORONTO - May 15, 2001 - Click2Net Inc., today announced the opening of a new London media sales office. Click2Net's expansion in the UK reflects the company's strong commitment to providing personalized online media sales services to its clients.

"We're thrilled to now be offering local, face-to-face ad placement services to our online media buying clients in London and the rest of the UK," explains Click2Net Vice President of Sales Jeff Lancaster. "It's all about being there when our clients need us."

For nearly a year, Click2Net has actively sold online ad placements in the UK from its headquarters in Toronto. The new London office demonstrates Click2Net's confidence in the strength of the UK's online advertising market.

Leading Click2Net's sales operations in London will be newly appointed Regional Sales Director Sam Lewis. Mr. Lewis recently joined Click2Net from Carlton Hyperactive, Carlton's online media sales house, where he managed business development activities.

Mr. Lewis's experience in online media and sponsorship sales will be true assets in working closely with agencies to execute campaigns across Click2Net's UK Select Network and other Click2Net media channels.

Click2Net CEO Adam Simpson explains, "Media buyers want to know who they are working with and to whom they can go when they need to discuss a new campaign. Our London-based sales team provides that critical personal attention and the local knowledge that has been missing from our online ad sales in the UK. But, those days are now over."


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