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(May 2001)

L90's adMonitor Business Continues to Surge

Los Angeles - May 15, 2001 - L90, Inc. (Nasdaq: LNTY), a leading interactive marketing, technology, and media company, announced today it has signed exclusive adMonitor technology agreements with several companies over the past few weeks. L90's proprietary adMonitor technology serves and tracks marketing campaigns that are far more integrated than banner ads, such as PowerAds, Sponsorships, E-newsletters, and Co-Registrations, in order to maximize marketing revenue for businesses. L90 recently announced that popular portal Ask Jeeves and Canadian network ABOVEtheFOLD.NET are also using adMonitor to power marketing campaigns. Some of adMonitor’s new clients include PCQuote.com, Pristine.com, Salary.com, and SeniorDiscounts.com.

"We continue to see companies make the switch to adMonitor," said Mike Leo, President of Technology Solutions at L90. "This technology does so much more for businesses than simply serve and track banner ads. adMonitor was developed to contribute to the bottom line of businesses, which makes it a valuable component in our clients' business plans. This is a sophisticated marketing technology that businesses rely on to generate revenues, and that's why companies are turning to us."

adMonitor, L90's proprietary marketing technology, is the force that powers L90's revenue-generating ProfiTools™. ProfiTools is a fully outsourced digital marketing platform that helps Web publishers and marketers monetize their business. adMonitor was developed to serve and track the sophisticated, relationship-building marketing programs that convert Internet users into loyal, long-term customers for businesses. adMonitor's flexibility and scalability make it a user-friendly and customizable marketing technology for businesses, as it can seamlessly adjust to the needs of clients in real-time.


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