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(June 2001)

Engage Reaches Second Largest Web Audience Based on comScore Reports

(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 4, 2001-- Engage, Inc. (Nasdaq:ENGA), a leading enterprise marketing software and interactive media company, today announced results from a recent audience measurement study showing that the Engage Media Network has the second broadest reach on the Internet. Engage's audience is exceeded only by Microsoft Corporation's network of sites.

The April 2001 study conducted by comScore revealed that Engage reaches 72 percent of all U.S. Internet users. When compared with data from comScore's regular netScore report from the same month, Engage's unique visitors surpassed Yahoo! Inc (including GeoCities and its other online properties), AOL Time Warner, Inc. (including all the Time Warner Web properties), and Terra Lycos, S.A. The study also suggests Engage is the number one ranking online advertising network, exceeding DoubleClick's previously announced comScore reach of 68 percent.

"Engage has a broader reach than even some of the best known sites on the Internet and offers marketers a tremendous value for their advertising dollar," said Tony Nuzzo, CEO Engage. "With nearly three quarters of all U.S. Internet traffic passing through our network each month, marketers who choose Engage can be confident they will effectively reach their target audience."

The following table represents data assembled from comScore's April netScore Property Report as well as from a customized Engage report conducted by comScore during the month of April.

Property(1)                U.S.            Worldwide         U.S.
                           Unique           Unique        % Reach(3)
                           Users            Users
                           (000)(2)        (000)(2)

Microsoft Corp.            96,559           218,264          73%

Engage Media
Network (4&5)              95,791           208,721          72%

Yahoo! Inc.                91,482           197,295          69%

AOL Time Warner            83,015           153,527          63%

Terra Lycos S.A.           55,675           129,086          42%

At Home Corporation        43,349            82,390          33%

InfoSpace                  33,591            67,408          25%

Primedia                   31,777            64,755          24%

Walt Disney
Internet Group             29,268            45,393          22%

CNET Networks,  Inc.       27,910            64,667          21%
  • (1) Property: An aggregate of websites that are all controlled by a larger entity; the controlling entity must have at least a 50% ownership in the website for the website to be included in the aggregation
  • (2) Unique Users (000): An unduplicated count of all individually identified machines that made a visit to a selected domain during a given analysis period
  • (3) % Reach: An unduplicated count of all individually identified machines that made a visit to a selected domain during a given analysis period calculated as a percentage
  • (4) Ad Network: A group of domains for which an ad serving entity has entered into a contractual relationship primarily to serve online advertising
  • (5) Unique users and reach based on custom analysis report for Engage of Engage Media Network (April 2001)


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