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Online Advertising Articles
(December 2000)

New Q4 Guidance, Cuts, Management Changes at 24/7 Media (internet.com, December 29th)
Bad news has plagued 24/7 of late, leading to their share price to dip well below $1 after reaching a high around $65. Contributing to this were a round of layoffs, an admission that the company would not match its previous revenue estimates for the 4th quarter, and the untimely departure of a top executive.

Real Media CEO Resigns (internet.com, December 22nd)
Amidst a series of restructuring measures announced today, the CEO of this software and ad representation firm, Chris Neimeth resigned to "pursue other interests." PubliGroup's Walter Annasohn has stepped into the role to facilitate the cost-cutting measures and IPO withdrawal, citing market conditions as the reason for their troubles.

ValueClick to Acquire Z Media (internet.com, December 20th)
Following on from its acquisitions of StraightUp!, ClickAgents and OnResponse, ValueClick has further enhanced its portfolio of performance-based offering by proposing an acquisition of coregistration company Z Media.

Web Ads Should Be Seen and Heard (Wired News, December 19th)
This article highlights a few emerging players in the streaming audio/video ad field. In an attempt to increase advertiser returns, and to offer familiar appeal to traditional advertisers, content producers are increasingly offering in-stream multimedia ads, and rich-media banners that feature audio elements.


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