Online Advertising Articles
(April 2001)
Unicast Announces Formation of Strategic Advisory Board (Net-Ads, April 30th)
Noting the increase of interest in interstitial, and particularly Superstitial, ad creatives online, which promise higher conversion rates for advertisers and a similar increase in revenues for publishers, Unicast (developer of the Superstitial technology) has brought a task force together to discuss the future development of the popup ad form. The significance of this announcement is that it underscores an effort to lure offline advertisers online by offering ads in a form with which they've comfortably worked for years (animation).
Ask Jeeves Adds Advertisers (, April 30th)
Bucking the bearish trend established by other online search and portal properties, Ask Jeeves has announced that it has added several brand-name advertisers to its roster of clients. The new advertisers include both dotcoms and traditional brands, and many are keen to experiment with the company's new creative options.
eFront Controversy Raises Concerns About Web Traffic Accounting (CNET, April 30th)
Just when you thought nothing more could come from the eFront fiasco, former execs of the firm have reported that CEO Sam Jain deliberately submitted inaccurate information to web reporting firm Media Metrix in order to fraudulently raise the company's profile.
Why Traditional Agencies Struggle With the Internet (ClickZ, April 30th)
The internet has changed the advertising game. Apart from being the only medium that can both display ads and facilitate sales, the behaviour its users exhibit varies wildly from the media within which ad agencies are used to dealing. Added to this is the complexity of calculating a campaign's value online, given that there is little track history to use as reference.
ValueClick Exceeds Q1 Earnings Estimates (Net-Ads, April 27th)
Beating both the Street and the industry at large, ValueClick has delivered a promising earnings report for Q1, in which the firm saw a 1 cent pro rata profit/share.
New York Life Takes the Web Ad Plunge (, April 27th)
There have been few stories of late regarding traditional advertisers making major moves into online advertising, given the state of the industry, but insurer New York Life, who has no immediate plans to sell its products online, is confident that its first major foray into online marketing will be seen as an effective (and affordable) exercise in brand-building. Latest to Launch 'Takeover' Ads (, April 27th)
Despite assurances from the IAB that the larger ad spaces are likely to stabilize the CPM market, many major web properties are moving beyond-the-box with technologies designed to create more interest in an advertiser's message by allowing parts of the ad to hover over or burn through web content, before shrinking away to form a standard advertising button. You may read more about this technology here.
ValueClick Pro Forma Earnings Down (Excite News, April 27th)
In a similar vein to unforgiving earnings reports we've heard of late coming from the likes of Engage and 24/7 Media, ValueClick's latest report and projections don't paint a pretty picture of the state of the industry. With first quarter revenues and pro forma earnings/share way down over the same period last year, and failing to meet their expectations, it's clear that the online ad downturn is hitting the pay-for-performance players equally as hard as the CPM networks.
A Tale of Two Ad Networks (, April 27th)
This article compares the disappointing results faced by CPM-based ad network L90 with the increasingly positive results seen by ValueClick, whose range of offerings are all performance-based.
AOL Zips Past Yahoo in Advertising Sales (, April 27th)
Much-maligned internet portal Yahoo's troubles were compounded during the first quarter of 2001, as advertisers sought better prices once it became clear that the property was struggling to find clients. AOL Time Warner's portal, on the other hand, saw growth significant enough to push AOL beyond Yahoo in terms of ad revenues, reinforcing the company's leadership online.
Marketing Gurus Clash on Internet Privacy Rules (USA Today, April 27th)
With technology becoming more savvy, but online companies growing increasingly concerned about preserving the privacy of their users, the opt-in/opt-out debate has once again been put to the test. This time, the aggressive marketers have an unlikely opponent in Lester Wunderman, who is widely acknowledged as the inventor of direct marketing.
Online Foe Snatches Up Bits of (The Seattle Times, April 27th)
Ad-supported sports network shut down last month after failing to reach its earnings projections through advertising revenues alone, leaving its affiliates without a home. Now, it seems that subscription-based network AllianceSports has come to the rescue by making a bid for the company's assets, while also stating its willingness to support a network of affiliates sites.
It's Time for the Web to Jump From Free to Fee (The Chicago Tribune, April 27th)
Though this article is clearly self-serving, it outlines the failures of online news publications to survive on advertiser support alone, with premium subscription options seen as possible solutions for those who offer reliable original content.
Rich Media Campaigns: The Pros and Cons (ClickZ, April 27th)
Rich media technologies have the potential to offer greater interactivity, greater functionality and an increasingly attention-grabbing solution to advertisers and their audiences, but the increased costs of creating, delivering and tracking such ads counter the benefits to some degree. This article reveals the strengths and weaknesses of the form.
Advertisers Make Their Presence Known (dotcom.telegraph, April 26th)
With banner ads failing to perform and online ad rates on the decline, the interactive advertising industry has this year made dramatic moves towards attention-grabbing experiments in guerilla marketing. Popups, larger ad spaces, moving ads are just some of the intrusive developments aimed at keeping the web free by providing advertisers with increased ROIs.
Avenue A Sales Down; Firm Seeks New Markets (The Seattle Times, April 26th)
Falling earnings have forced specialist interactive ad firm, Avenue A, who used to act as an excusive agent for its clients, to instead license their tracking and reporting technology to other online advertising agencies in an attempt to raise revenues while increasing their market reach.
Net Ads Continue to Feel Signs of Economic Slowdown (Net-Ads, April 25th)
A recent report from the Interactive Advertising Bureau indicates that while ad revenues are continuing to grow, the rate of growth slowed dramatically during Quarter 4, 2000.
Ad-Free...For a Fee (ABC News, April 25th)
Following from's decision to offer an premium version of its site, that features additional content featurtes in the absense of advertising content, several other publishers are expected to make similar moves, but will users follow the trend?
IAB Rich Media Task Force: One-Sided? (ClickZ, April 25th)
The author of this article questions the IAB's decision to include only publishers and ad agency reps within its Rich Media Task Force, while inviting no technology providers into the debate.
IAB Rich Media Task Force: One-Sided? (ClickZ, April 25th)
Although it doesn't take a genius to conclude that a key ingredient of success is keeping one's customers happy, e-biz ezecs sometimes need a refresher course in how best to leverage customer support and service to build their business.
Tough Times: Lessons Learned (ClickZ, April 24th)
ClickZ' Adam Jackson outlines some guidelines to effective creative design.
Net Advertising Takes Long, Slow Road (CNET, April 24th)
This article, while dealing mainly with predictions pertaining to when the online advertising market would take a turn for the better, also presents a fantastic round-up of the most significant issues concerning the online advertising industry at present. A must read!
A Penny-Ante Business Worth Billions (BW Online, April 23rd)
With MIT's Nicholas Negroponte and web usability expert Jakob Nielsen amongst its supporters, the micropayment model (wherein users are charged a small set fee for accessing particular sites, content or services), the technology has sparked great interest within financial and innovation services, but has largely failed to catch on as far as the Web is concerned. Elsewhere, though, such as on DoCoMo's wireless network and France's Minitel, on the other hand, have seen great success by implementing a micropayment model on a whole-network basis. As such, the potential for a single web-wide service seems probable, and will provide both media companies and payment facilitators with a very lucrative market if it takes off.
Turning Surfers Into Subscribers (BW Online, April 23rd)
While subscription models have failed on the Web before, and may very well fail again as a result of the gluttony of free content that may be found online, this article notes that many content ventures are migrating to subscription-based payment models in a desperate attempt to stay afloat while they consider other options. Read more about the battle portals are having in shaping their subscription-based services, see this BusinessWeek article [link expired].
The End is Where? (TheStandard, April 23rd)
With a few economic indicators suggesting growth and a return to spending, picking the moment at which media companies will see their stock prices recover has become hot on any an agenda. This article notes a few broad signs to observe in predicting when ad revenues will start to pour in once more.
Yahoo Japan Hits Record Profit as Ad Revenues Soar (Excite News, April 20th)
While its US-based counterpart struggles, Yahoo Japan has continued to break its own revenue and profit records quarter-to-quarter on the back of a strengthening Japanese economy and a solild blue-chip client list.
Big Ads no Panacea for Snowball (Business 2.0, April 20th)
One of the first major web properties to tout its support for the IAB's new ad formats was entertainment network Snowball. Unfortunately, the adoption of these new spaces has done little to reverse the company's plummeting revenues and stock valuation. It now risks being delisted from thew NASDAQ.
Coke Takes Integration Further With New Effort (, April 20th)
Coca-Cola's new mega-campaign is a standout both in its scope, and its level of cross-media integration. A major part of the effort, which promotes the Coke brand through celebrations of everyday life, will be it online components.
Advertising Agency Chairman Gives a Stern Assessment of the Dot-Com Era (NY Times, April 20th)
Keynote speakers at the annual management conference of the American Association of Advertising Agencies highlighted the mistakes made during the past year in the realm of online advertising. Some important points noted include the accountability of ad agencies in determining the probable ROI of a campaign before it is released and the speed at which new campaigns are developed. Other statements claimed that advertisers and agencies will dictate the future direction of online media, and that advertisers must move beyond banners in their assessment of and exposure to the online market.
Big Three Ad Firms Form Electronic Media Exchange (Excite News, April 19th)
The world's three largest advertising and marketing communications firms - Interpublic Group of Cos. Inc. and Omnicom Group Inc. of New York and WPP Group Plc of London - said on Thursday that they are creating an online advertising exchange aimed at reducing the inefficiencies of buying and selling ad inventory on the Web.
Wireless 101 for Marketers (WirelessAdWatch, April 17th)
It can certainly be exciting establishing ground rules, creative formats and technologies in a new medium. Too much beating-around-the-bush, even if passed off in the name of experimentation, though, can be costly. As such, the folks over at WirelessAdWatch have created a multi-part feature that addresses many of the most fundamental issues facing the wireless medium, in an attempt to bring pioneering marketers up to speed.
Snowball's Chance in eBiz Hell (The Register, April 17th)
Snowball's advertising-based business has been on a steady decline for several months, and recently reached the point at which they dumped many affiliates from their program to focus on a few key properties and the popunder market. Now, after trading below $1 on the NASDAQ for many weeks, the company has been issued a delisting warning, and has responded by firing 1/3 of their staff.
eAd Revenue Dips in 2000, But Stays Strong Against 1999 (eMarketer, April 17th)
While online ad revenues dropped in the latter half of 2000, growth remained strong between the years 1999 and 2000 as a whole. This report also reveals that banner ads remains the most prolific source of revenue for online publishers, with search keywords and interstitials showing good growth.
Excite@Home Wants Out of Media Business (, April 17th)
Citing the effects of the weak advertising market, Excite@Home has announced that it will abandon much of its media business in an attempt to focus on the stronger broadband access part of their business.
Sporting Chance to Offset Ad Downturn (dotcom.telegraph, April 17th)
With online ad revenues falling, and streaming video costs remaining cost prohibitive for many, several UK-based companies are considering the move from an ad-supported free sports broadcast service to a safer pay-per-view system.
Walking the Line Between Email and Spam (E-Commerce Times, April 17th)
This article outlines how best to respect consumers and avoid the trappings of the vicious spam-flame circle by using email marketing wisely. It also contains a disturbing prediction from Jupiter Media Metrix that the average frequency of emails received by US consumers by 2005 with be 950/day.
Software Boots Online Ads Off PCs (USA Today, April 17th)
Yet another article about the growing threat of ad-blocking software packages, which are now increasingly savvy and increasingly prolific.
DoubleClick's Shares Slump After 2001 Warning (Excite News, April 16th)
Despite a widely-held knowledge that the present health of online advertising is not good, DoubleClick's announcement that they expect to file a loss for 2001 led to a punishing round of trading that saw the company's stock slide almost 9 percent.
DoubleClick Aims at Privacy Issues (Boston Herald, April 16th)
Still reeling from the backlash against its service by privacy advocates last year, DoubleClick has been careful not to tread on any toes will the rolling-out of its new products and services. This article outlines some of the responsibilities of chief privacy officer Jules Polonetsky, who is the former consumer affairs commissioner for New York City.
24/7 Media to Sell Third-Party Ad Serving Unit (, April 13th)
In yet another blow to 24/7 Media's stance as the second-runner to DoubleClick in the field of ad serving and representation, the company has announced that it will sell Sabela, its third-party ad serving solution. This cost-cutting measure will significantly reduce 24/7's serving capabilities, while removing one of its most promising product lines. Sabela competed with the likes of DoubleClick DART, RealMedia OAS and Engage AdManager.
Leading Advertisers of March 2001 (, April 13th)
This table presents data about the reach and impression levels of the Web's 25 most prolific advertisers, both at home and at work. data is from Nielsen//NetRatings' BannerTrack.
ThemeStream Dries up as Execs Hit Lifeboats (NY Post, April 13th)
Competing with the likes of and Suite101 in the publication of hobby-related content created by a select group of members, ThemeStream generated its revenues through advertising sales. When the ad market turned stale, they struggled to gain support, and have subsequently shut down, announcing that commitments to their creditors will keep them from making outstanding payments to their content-producing contributors.
Injunction Lifted in Juno, NetZero Ad Patent Battle (, April 13th)
A battle recently arose between competing ISPs NetZero and Juno Online Services, whose free ISP service utilized a floating ad banner technology that both claim to have protected by patent. The most recent twist in the trial has seen the restraining order against Juno lifted, allowing it to once again utilize the floating banner window.
HowToWebTV and Engage Combine Television and Online Advertising Know-How (Net-Ads, April 12th)
In a sign of things to come, online advertising software and sales firm Engage Inc has united with television and online property HowToWebTV in a deal that will see Engage acting as a cross-platform sales rep; planning and delivering ads both online and on television.
Quarterly Revenues Slipping for DoubleClick (, April 12th)
The industry leader in online advertising technology and representation has posted a loss for the last quarter on revenues that were significantly lower than the previous quarter. A great degree of this can be put down to the weak ad market, with the company's biggest losses coming from its media division. DoubleClick's withdrawal from the representation of AltaVista has driven their media revenues down a great deal. Nevertheless, with over $800 million still in the bank, and a leadership position in several key markets, the company's future looks bright.
24/7 Media Engages in More Restructuring (, April 12th)
Just weeks after posting disappointing financial results for the 4th calendar quarter 2000, and announcing the resignation of President and COO, 24/7 Media has announced a series of cost-cutting efforts aimed at turning the company's fortunes around. These include the shuttering of several offices and a laying off of some 100 staff members. 24/7 is presently trading in the range of 30-35 cents on the NASDAQ.
Web Tracker Claims to Protect Privacy (Denver Post, April 12th)
Tian Software of Denver has developed a tracking technology that can apparently discern between the behaviour of different users, at different times. Its makers suggest that this increasingly intelligent tracking technology providers marketers with a more advanced solution than what is provided by cookies, while maintaining consumer protection.
Online Advertising Perspective (eMarketer, April 12th)
Taking a step back from the day-to-day disappointment of a slowing state of online advertising, this article takes a broader view of the market, highlighting both the solid predicted growth rates leading up to 2005, and the fact that online publishers and marketers are still in a largely experimental stage in comparison to more established media.
Advertisers Need to Target Women Online (, April 11th)
A long-established truth within the advertising world is that women directly influence more buying decisions than men in most markets. A recent survey taking account of women's usage of online media indicates that this is especially so on the internet. As such, this article suggests that more banner campaigns should be specifically targeted at women.
Rivals Throws in Towel, Can Publishers Survive? (, April 12th)
Promising sports network, who took some 600 publishers under the arm of their subscription-based service in exchange for a revenue split, has announced the closure of their service, and given publishers just a few daqys notice to find new homes and revenue sources for their sites. Obviously, the depressed market for online advertising makes this a challenging proposition at the least, and may result in several of these sites operating at a loss, or shutting down completely.
Humor is at Center of Microsoft's New Campaign (NY Times, April 11th)
In a move of light hearted self-deprecation that will be welcome to most PC users, Microsoft's latest ad campaign will promote Office XP by digging at the recently fired 'Clippy'. The paperclip-style Office assistant has been the end of jokes and criticisms since it first appeared in 1997. This campaign will include a large banner run, linking to an interactive experience that both highlights the company's new3 product range, while allowing Clippy-critics to take out their frustration in an online game that allows you to shoot staples, rubber bands and the like at the irritating clip.
AOL Invests in eNewsletter Publisher (, April 11th)
Further reiterating the suggestion that email marketing remains the highest-growth section of the online marketing repertoir, AOL has made a substantial investment in Streetmail, which manages locally-oriented newsletters for some 1 million subscribers. Making CNBC Ad Buy (, April 10th)
This article looks at the flip-side of the low advertising market, in that buyers are able to make significantly larger purchases relative to cost than what was available during the late 90s.
Successful Ads to Become Interactive (, April 10th)
Some conclusions drawn from a report issued by Forrester Research Amsterdam indicate that in order to maximise their effectiveness, online ads will need to become more interactive, and serve the needs of their audience. Marketers will also have to consider organizational and creative changes as alternative interactive technologies, such as iTV, start to compete with both television and the Web for attention.
IAB Changes Name, Tweaks Organization (, April 10th)
In an effort to increase both its scope, and its attractiveness to traditional marketers, the Internet Advertising Bureau is changing its name to the Interactive Advertising Bureau, while announcing a revamp of its organizational membership and goals.
Engage Launches Engage ECHO in Europe (Net-Ads, April 9th)
Following in the footsteps of DoubleClick and Avenue A, Engage has rolled out a solution that enables them to anonymously 'tag' users with cookies in order to track their buying habits to more accurately target banner ads and other promotional offers to their interests.
MicroCreditCard Charges for the Web (The Washington Post, April 9th)
A small outfit operating out of Washington hopes to take on the likes of (honor system), eBay (BillPoint), PayPal and Yahoo! (PayDirect) in rolling out a system built to facilitate the collection, processing and distribution of micropayments through credit cards. Feel free to read the press release outlining the company's patent-pending system here.
NBCi to Shut its Loss-Ridden Internet Subsidiary (The Nando Times, April 9th)
Like many traditional media companies, NBCi jumped into the online world with gusto during the spree of the late 90s, making several multi-million dollar acquisitions in an attempt to gain a leading foothold in the new medium. Unfortunately, poor management of their online network, in addition to the dramatic decline in online advertising growth has forced the mother company to re-evaluate its online strategy. As a result, NBC has decided to acquire all outstanding shares, to bring NBCi's assets under its control while it decides which parts of the business (and its staff) will be maintained, and which will be sold to cut the company's losses.
Live Free or Die on the Web (E-Commerce Times, April 6th)
While a large number of major content and service providers are pondering, or have made the decision to switch from free, advertising-supported services to a subscription-based system, this article points out that those who stick to their guns and continue to focus on customer acquisition will be aptly rewarded with greater market share when the online ad market rebounds. To read more about this, check out this article from BW Online [link expired].
Site Offers Everything About Brands in Internet Age (NY Times, April 6th)
A new resource/service has launched at that gives marketers access to a variety of infomation and contacts related to international corporate branding.
Advice: Spend Ad $s in Tough Times (Media Life Magazine, April 5th)
Numerous studies have indicated that increasing ad spending during low economic times can assist firms in growing market share in a comparatively inexpensive manner.
Pop-Up Ads Downright Annoying (, April 5th)
In almost direct proportion to the decline in banner ad rates, an aggressive new method of online advertising has grown in prominence. Ads that launch as new windows, whether referred to as popups, popunders, exit consoles, interstitials or superstitials, are believed to provide greater ROI for direct marketers, and increased revenues for web publishers. The downside of this is the irritation factor, to which many surfers respond unpleasantly. One such critic, the Washington Post's Leslie Walker, has voiced her opinion about these ads in this article. Shooting for Less Dependence on Ads (Excite News, April 5th)
Online financial destination, which announced the introduction of an innovative new form of advertising just last month (tiled background ads), has recently stated its intention to decrease its proportional dependence on ads and technology licensing as revenue sources in response to the present weak market.
Study: There's Hope Yet for Web Advertising (, April 4th)
Allen Weiner, commenting on a report conducted by Nielsen//Netratings' AdSpectrum service has painted an optimistic view of the state of online advertising. The study suggests that online ad rates are rising, in part because of the increased exposure of online marketing within the media buying mix of traditional brands. It also notes that several new campaigns utilise the larger ad standards introduced by the IAB.
GoTo Going Strong (, April 4th)
Despite raising their minimum bid requirements during a weak ad market, has managed to grow its advertiser base, while expanding its partnerships with web portals and search engines. While still operating at a loss, this is good news for the firm, and suggests a bright future for the pay-for-placement pioneer.
The Net Plays 'Reading For Dollars' (E-Commerce Times, April 4th)
Original written content is expensive to produce and distribute. Unfortunately, the fact that most online content sites were prepared to give away such content in an attempt to gain market share has made many web surfers ignorant of this fact. As a result, attempts to charge for content have largely been met with resentment thus far. This article attempts to explain why content producers will have to move to this model in order to supply, while outlining which publications are best positioned for subscription success.
Bells, Whistles Suit Net Ads Fine (SignOn San Diego, April 4th)
Although companies had doubted the effectiveness of the 468x60 banner ad for years, during the prosperity of the late 90s, few made serious attempts to change the standards. This article outlines how the increasing ROI demands of advertisers during the slowing economy forced the IAB into promoting several new, attention-grabbing ad standards. Interestingly, the article also notes that larger skyscrapers and recs were preferred (over banners) by users in a study conducted by EyeTracking Inc.
Internet Users Are Catch of the Day (, April 4th)
Well, Back the Net day has come and gone, and the movement failed to cause even a slight bump in the Nasdaq. While this article attempts to paint the event as a success, the low numbers presented through the article paint a different picture.
New Technology Serves Ads Sans Cookies (CNET, April 3rd)
A new ad technology company, Interadnet, has responded to consumer and government concerns about audience tracking and profiling by creating an ad serving solution that does not employ cookies. This article wisely points out that this move is mostly a public relations exercise, since cookies are not as inherently evil as the public has been led to believe. As a side issue, recent stats released by WebSideStory indicate that less than 1% of all web users have cookies disabled within their browser. Read about this here.
Tuesday Declared 'Back the Net' Day (Newsbytes, April 2nd)
Iconocast has been pushing a series of events aimed at breathing some life back into the online economy. This movement, dubbed "Back the Net" is set to take place on April 3rd; on the one-year anniversary of the tech slide. The central push is for as many net users as possible to make an online charity donation, or to purchase a product, service or stock in a dotcom company 3rd in order to show Wall Street, and the world, that the Net is no passing fad.
Marketing Masquerading as Entertainment (, April 2nd)
The popularity of email messages that have propagated throughout the Net in days due to users voluntarily forwarding these to their friends and associates has made marketers aware of the power of stealthy viral campaigns made through email. This article gives one example of a successful employment of this.
Study: E-Newsletters Drive Site Traffic (AdWeek Online, April 2nd)
A study released by Folio that deals with magazine publishers and their online counterparts has found that while e-newsletters are great at delivering traffic to the publishers' sites, most don't see the newsletters as significant generators of ancillary revenue.
Tolerance Ads to Infiltrate Web Sites of Hate Groups (USA Today, April 2nd)
In an innovative move on the behalf of both Yahoo! and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the Web's premiere portal will be targeting tolerance ads directly at intolerant groups by serving the non-profit banners on white supremist and other hate discussion groups and directory categories.
Formerly Free Sites Hope Paying Customers Will Keep Them Afloat (USA Today, April 2nd)
This article discusses the pros and cons of internet companies moving from an ad-supported model that offered up limitless, free content, to a user-pays support system in order to support their content production moving forward.
DoubleClick Creates New Online Research Division (Excite News, April 2nd)
The leading online advertising firm has announced that it is creating a media planning and evaluation firm going under the moniker of Diameter.
Netcentives to Cut 120 Jobs (Excite News, April 2nd)
Public performance-based Web marketing firm Netcentives has announced a dramatic round of layoffs aimed at cutting costs in order to bring their earnings/share up to Wall Street's estimates.
Coca-Cola Readies Massive Global Campaign (AdAge, April 2nd)
The mega consumer brand is to attack Pepsi's growing dominance with a huge new campaign, which will push a "Life Tastes Good" to replace the established "Enjoy" and "Always" tags. The campaign, mentions one knowledgeable source, will have a strong online presence. Joins Dotcom Firing Range (The Register, April 2nd)
Despite innovating with new ad creatives, the acquisition-loving IT-centric content network has reportedly been squeezed by the soft market for online advertising. The lastest result of this is a 15% staff cut, including the laying off of all the staff from Hardware Central.